Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51185&edit=1

 ID:               51185
 Updated by:       paj...@php.net
 Reported by:      randy at thehiringsurvey dot com
 Summary:          Apache won't start after PHP 5.3.1 is installed
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Windows Installer
 Operating System: Windows 7 (x64)
 PHP Version:      5.3.1

 New Comment:

Which extension(s) are enabled in the php.ini?

It could be due to some extensions requiring external DLLs (oracle for
example) or the PHP directory not being in your PATH.

Try to call php from the command line as well, with or without using the
system php.ini (be sure that you have removed or updated the 5.2's
php.ini, especially the extension_dir setting).

php.exe -n -i no php.ini loaded

php.exe -i with system php.ini

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-04 11:29:02] paj...@php.net

Which extension(s) are enabled in the php.ini?

It could be due to some extensions requiring external DLLs (oracle for
example) or the PHP directory not being in your PATH.

Try to call php from the command line as well, with or without using the
system php.ini (be sure that you have removed or updated the 5.2's
php.ini, especially the extension_dir setting).

php.exe -n -i no php.ini loaded

php.exe -i with system php.ini

[2010-03-03 09:26:48] c dot fior at bss-gt dot com

I had the same problem with OE Windows Server 2003 ... I had to
downgrade to previous release

[2010-03-02 23:17:31] j...@php.net

-Package: Apache2 related
+Package: Windows Installer

[2010-03-02 22:41:08] randy at thehiringsurvey dot com

This is a development desktop computer, not a production server.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, fully patched

Avast Antivirus, Home edition, fully patched

Apache 2.2 installed via the full installer

PHP 5.3.1 installed via the full installer

MySQL 5.1 is also installed and the service started, but I have not even
attempted to connect yet, because Apache can't run. 

I had never downloaded any other/previous versions of Apache or PHP. 
All of the files I am dealing with came from these installers.

Apache starts and runs fine until I install PHP and reboot Windows (PHP
doesn't seem to work after the install until I reboot.)

After I install PHP and reboot, Apache refuses to start.  The Windows
event log describes the failure:

Event 1000

Description: Faulting application name: httpd.exe, version:,
time stamp: 0x4ac181d6

Faulting module name: php5ts.dll, version:, time stamp:

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Fault offset: 0x000e618c

Faulting process id: 0x10f4

Faulting application start time: 0x01caba41084e6e4e

Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software

Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php5ts.dll

Report Id: 46094170-2634-11df-80a6-00241d23de59

Apache's error log is not updated when this occurs.  I'm guessing that
is because the failure is before the logging is running.

I found a few support threads here and elsewhere, where people cold
generate similar problems by manually installing php5apache2_2.dll
instead of php5apache2.dll (or vice versa).  I'm on Apache 2.2 and using
the correct php5apache2_2.dll, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

This is what was appended to the httpd.conf file by the PHP installer:


PHPIniDir "C:/Program Files (x86)/PHP/"

LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files (x86)/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"


The files php5apache2_2.dll and php5ts.dll are both present in the
PHPIniDir, and seem to have completely normal security settings.  Apache
is running as System and System has full control of both files.

I checked that the PHP Path entry and the PHPRC environment variable are
set correctly.  They are.

Uninstalling, deleting, redownloading, and reinstalling the same version
of PHP results in the same error.

Uninstalling, deleting, downloading PHP 5.2.13 , and installing that
version of PHP works just fine (php-5.2.13-win32-installer.msi).  During
the PHP 5.2.13 install I selected Apache 2.2 for the web server.  I made
no other configuration changes.  It just worked.

I'm running PHP 5.2.13 now.  So I'll wait and retry 5.3.x later...

Many thanks,



Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51185&edit=1

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