Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=35638&edit=1

 ID:               35638
 Comment by:       Charles_Duffy at Dell dot com
 Reported by:      charlesb at ekit-inc dot com
 Summary:          Adding udate to imap_fetch_overview results?
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Feature/Change Request
 Package:          Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Solaris/i86
 PHP Version:      4.4.1

 New Comment:

This issue is still unresolved on the PHP 5.3 and 5.4 branches; the
attached patch is against the former, but rebases easily to 5.4 (with
the possible exception of the test suite modifications; I will gladly do
a rebase to current head myself to test if desired).

See also the mailing list thread beginning with

Previous Comments:
[2006-02-20 03:41:45] charlesb at ekit-inc dot com


Any chance you could do this soon?

Last week I had to port a significant portion of our webmail system to
python because PHP's imap functions weren't fast enough.  Having
imap_fetch_overview return the arrival date would mean we could do away
with a second call to the imap server, keep our inbox display nice and
fast, and stay with PHP.

Thanks, Charles

[2005-12-11 23:18:18] charlesb at ekit-inc dot com

Would it be possible to add the arrival date for an email (preferably in
unixtime) to the results for imap_fetch_overview?  It would help us
_alot_ with our webmail.

Thanks, Charles


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=35638&edit=1

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