Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51056&edit=1

 ID:               51056
 Updated by:       lbarn...@php.net
 Reported by:      magical...@php.net
 Summary:          fread() on blocking stream will block even if data is
 Status:           Feedback
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Streams related
 Operating System: Linux Gentoo 2.6.32
 PHP Version:      5.3.1

 New Comment:

> Apache [...] uses timeouts [...] to detect dead clients

This is what I was meaning :) (and I though you was meaning this too :
"application handling data from network should handle cases when
received data is not complete")

Dead clients, or situations like this are not the "normal case", and
sometimes this can be handled with timeouts.

If you are in situations where this is the normal case, one solution is
to use non blocking streams.

The following code does exactly what you are asking for (if there is
something to read, return it; else, block) :

stream_set_blocking(..., 0);

while (stream_select(...)) {

  $data = fread(...);


If it does not works with SSL streams, then SSL stuff should be fixed

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-11 20:26:59] magical...@php.net

> This will block anyway when the buffer is empty and you won't be able
to known 

when it is empty, so you can't rely on this (sometimes it will block,


PHP always calls poll() before read, so it knows if there is nothing to

stream_select() will return the socket as "ready" if there is data
pending in 

php buffer (even if there's no data on the socket), just so we can read

> Also, some applications may rely on the blocking and will break if it

changed. This behavior exists since at least PHP 5.1.

fread() manual explicitly warns about this:

When reading from anything that is not a regular local file, such as

returned when reading remote files or from popen() and fsockopen(),
reading will 

stop after a packet is available. This means that you should collect the

together in chunks as shown in the examples below.

On the contrary, using blocking streams together with stream_select()
may lead 

to async program blocking because stream_select() saw there was pending

but a new packet will not arrive anytime soon.

> As this is not the normal case I would suggest to introduce some

handling (this is what applications like e.g. Apache does, I guess), or

what prevents you from using non blocking i/o with SSL streams instead.

It is the normal case to receive less than expected data as documented
on the 

php manual.

Apache (or any correctly coded networking app) does not uses timeouts
(except to 

detect dead clients), instead it uses read() which is reliable (ie. not

when there is data that can be returned).

By the way I have looked at what causes the problem I have with SSL
streams, and 

it could be worked around by switching the streamd between blocking mode

non-blocking mode depending on the situation, however I would prefer to

that (and it doesn't change the fact that fread() does not comply with
what is 

expected from it, both from read() syscall behaviour and php's manual)

[2010-03-11 16:51:20] lbarn...@php.net

> When data is already available in buffer, an information should be
passed to the lower-level read() to let it know it should not block.

This will block anyway when the buffer is empty and you won't be able to
known when it is empty, so you can't rely on this (sometimes it will
block, sometimes not).

Also, some applications may rely on the blocking and will break if it is
changed. This behavior exists since at least PHP 5.1.

> Considering any application handling data from network should handle
cases when received data is not complete

As this is not the normal case I would suggest to introduce some timeout
handling (this is what applications like e.g. Apache does, I guess), or
fixing what prevents you from using non blocking i/o with SSL streams

[2010-03-11 02:21:59] magical...@php.net


I know about fread() returning less data than asked for, however I could

modify this behaviour without passing some kind of value to lower-level

operation, which will call poll() if socket is blocking.

When data is already available in buffer, an information should be
passed to the 

lower-level read() to let it know it should not block.

The only non-intrusive solution to fix this would be to temporarly pass

in non-blocking mode if data was found in PHP buffer.

Considering any application handling data from network should handle
cases when 

received data is not complete, I believe it was best to return
immediatly if 

data is found and let the application call fread() again rather than
trying to 

workaround this problem with a dirty solution like passing temporarly in

blocking mode.

Another solution would be to add an argument to the internal read call
("do not 

block") however it would change the API for the internal stream api, and

require the argument to be handled into each stream wrapper.

[2010-03-11 02:05:59] lbarn...@php.net


I made a test case for this ( 51056.phpt.txt )

fread() in C has exactly the same behavior, it will block if you try to
read more bytes than available.

Your patch correctly avoids this, however it introduces an other issue:
fread() will return less data than asked for, even if enough data is
available ( 51056-2.phpt.txt ).

[2010-02-17 16:00:07] j...@php.net

btw. If you really want someone to do something about this, post the
patch to intern...@lists.php.net as well. :)


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the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


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