Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51207&edit=1

 ID:               51207
 User updated by:  penkert at yahoo dot com
 Reported by:      penkert at yahoo dot com
 Summary:          imageTTFText: misalignment of characters which extend
                   beyond their left margin
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          GD related
 Operating System: Linux & Windows XP
 PHP Version:      5.2.13

 New Comment:

Any chance you could provide the font you're using to the PHP team?
We're using the commercial font Pirouette Text by Linotype which I
obviously can't just hand out freely. Of course, this makes it very
difficult for a third party to reproduce my bug. Hence, another
reproducibly bug scenario would probably be immensely helpful...

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-11 15:51:25] dbrow75 at yahoo dot com

sorry flipped flopped FreeType versions, should be

http://tools.sorellajewelry.com/broken.png     (5.2.13, FreeType 2.2.1)

http://tools.sorellajewelry.com/Correct.png     (5.2.9, FreeType 2.1.9)

[2010-03-11 15:29:16] dbrow75 at yahoo dot com

Example of broken image and correct image, same underlying code only
difference is PHP version (and GD library FreeType which got upgraded in
PHP upgrade)

http://tools.sorellajewelry.com/broken.png     (5.2.13, FreeType 2.1.9)

http://tools.sorellajewelry.com/Correct.png     (5.2.9, FreeType 2.2.1)

[2010-03-11 15:21:36] dbrow75 at yahoo dot com

I too am seeing issues since my HOST upgraded to PHP 5.2.13.  We use a
Monogram font to create and image and the center character is now
mis-aligned as well circle that should be surrounding all the character
is missing.


You can see the middle character is shifted right and the outer circle
is missing.

I have on running on a PHP  5.2.6 dev system with no issues.

[2010-03-06 20:07:00] penkert at yahoo dot com

BTW, about my Win32 testbed:

PHP 5.2.11, GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible), FreeType 2.1.9 => OK

PHP 5.2.13, GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible), FreeType 2.1.9 => buggy

Debian production system:

PHP 5.2.13, GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible), FreeType 2.2.1 => buggy

(can't go back to older PHP version there)

[2010-03-06 19:44:06] penkert at yahoo dot com

I had a look at those two bugs before writing up my report. In fact,
their seem to be quite a number of similar bugs concerning imageTTFText.
But the thing is that the bug I'm describing was not present in PHP
5.2.11. So, even though all of these bugs are probably related in some
way or other I decided they can't actually be one and the same.


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Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51207&edit=1

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