Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51300&edit=1

 ID:               51300
 Updated by:       paj...@php.net
 Reported by:      tanguy dot pruvot at gmail dot com
 Summary:          SELECT * CRASH With LibMySQL > 5.0.51
 Status:           Bogus
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          PDO related
 Operating System: Windows 7
 PHP Version:      5.2.13

 New Comment:

Last but not least: Why do you compile it yourself? That should not be

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-15 12:01:57] tanguy dot pruvot at gmail dot com

i fixed sqlitemanager (1.2.0) sources .... and all the ereg(i/replace) 

functions.... and some other things herited from PHP 4 ;), dont

I think 0.9.6 of eaccelerator is now ok (the rc version was not), the
0.9.6 works 

fine with 5.2.12 and 13 but need to be recompiled on every php minor

this version is also smaller than before... some units were removed...

[2010-03-15 11:44:04] paj...@php.net

xDebug works fine with 5.3, no idea about eaccalerator but APC works
fine as well.

I don't see which problem 5.3 can cause to be honest. All apps I use
work just fine with it.

[2010-03-15 11:41:18] tanguy dot pruvot at gmail dot com

Yes, i've read about that... PHP6...oops 5.3 ;) is optimized for Windows

maybe the big machine WebPI) :p

But eaccelerator and xdebug had some problems with 5.3... so i wait and

Also, most of wamp package have migrated to 5.3... which has caused many


My package is made for web dev purpose, at work... and its fine to have
a wamp 

package compatible with "old" (1 year) php applications to upgrade them

the server on a production environment...

[2010-03-15 11:33:38] paj...@php.net

Let me know once you will work on 5.3.x, that's the way to go on windows

[2010-03-15 11:29:21] tanguy dot pruvot at gmail dot com

EWS (Easy Web Server) which is French + English and contains another CGI

(FastCGI) WDScript http://e.w.s.free.fr and

This wamp package has the advantage to be executed as Service or Not :)

fixes mayne problem and helps component debugging

But all apache/php components are compiled with VC6 (i also compiled

with it this night... to try to fix the bug)

And System PATH is not affected by EWS (which is not installed, just

I'm working on the next version of the pack... almost ready but with
2.5.13, not 



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