Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36943&edit=1

 ID:               36943
 Comment by:       peter_jones_jr at yahoo dot com
 Reported by:      webstorm at netcourrier dot com
 Summary:          SCGI support
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Feature/Change Request
 Package:          Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:      5.1.2

 New Comment:

Please discuss this on the PHP mailing list before sending feature

PHP should not support each and every protocol out there, especially if
it has NO advantage over FastCGI. From the "spec":

"When the SCGI server sees the end of the request it sends back a
response and closes the connection. The format of the response is not
specified by this protocol."

This "protocol spec" doesn't make any sense to me. 

Note that there are several Java FastCGI servlets available, so there's
no need to add more complexity to the PHP core.

Previous Comments:
[2007-09-23 08:43:11] js at iksz dot hu

SCGI is supported by Apache, FastCGI is not.  Go ahead.

[2006-04-02 14:04:44] webstorm at netcourrier dot com

I tried to use FastCGI but I have 2 problems :

  1) I didn't found the FastCGI binaries, do i need to recompile source
(i'm using Windows) ?

  2) According to the FastCGI specification, when the FastCGI is
started, the web server have to pass the handle (file number) of the
opened socket to the FastCGI. How can this be done with Java ?

[2006-04-01 20:55:39] scottmacvicar at ntlworld dot com

It's just another FastCGI type protocol but far easier to implement, see
http://python.ca/nas/scgi/protocol.txt for the spec.

Creating a SCGI API would be fairly straight forward.

[2006-04-01 20:05:20] tony2...@php.net

PHP also supports FastCGI or it's not enough for Java web-server?

[2006-04-01 19:57:17] webstorm at netcourrier dot com

SCGI doesn't seems to be supported by PHP.

Running PHP as CGI is slow, and using PHP as Apache module is not an
option as I'm develloping a web server using Java.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36943&edit=1

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