Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51270&edit=1

 ID:               51270
 Comment by:       fcanova at uol dot com dot br
 Reported by:      jamone_95134 at yahoo dot com
 Summary:          Apache cannot start
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Apache2 related
 Operating System: win32 only - Windows XP SP3
 PHP Version:      5.3.2

 New Comment:

I have the same problem.

Apache 2.2.15 with openssl

PHP 5.3.2 win32 VC6 x86 Thread Safe (2010-Mar-04 20:11:08)

Windows 7

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-12 12:10:38] jamone_95134 at yahoo dot com

As stated before:

php was installed and works correctly, php 5.3.2 thread safe VC6


Apache version 2.2.15 with openssl, downloaded from apache.org works
correctly when the PHPIniDir and LoadModule lines are commented out of
the httpd.conf file.

The OS is windows XP with SP3.

[2010-03-12 11:39:33] paj...@php.net

Ok, which PHP version did you fetch (vc6/vc9) and which Apache version
do you use (from apache.org or apachelounge.com)?


Operating system is important and saying only "win32" is as useless as
saying "linux".

[2010-03-11 18:43:58] jamone_95134 at yahoo dot com

[2010-03-11 13:13 UTC] paj...@php.net

Remove php.ini in your systems or be sure to disable all extensions and
try again.

As I mentioned earlier, I disabled all the extensions in my php.ini,
then enabling them one by one to see if any would allow the Apache to
start, but the Apache crashed every time.

If I comment out the PHPIniDir line but not the LoadModule Apache still
does not start, similarly if I comment out the LoadModule line but not
the PHPIniDir, the Apache does not start. Apache only starts if both
lines are commented out.

[2010-03-11 15:13:43] paj...@php.net

Remove php.ini in your systems or be sure to disable all extensions and
try again.

[2010-03-11 14:21:22] a at liveb dot ru

Have the same problem. apache doesn't work as a service. But works from

When I try to start the service I get an error.

szAppName : httpd.exe     szAppVer :     szModName : unknown   

szModVer :     offset : 0073d729


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Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51270&edit=1

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