Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36663&edit=1

 ID:               36663
 Updated by:       ka...@php.net
 Reported by:      atom at smasher dot org
 Summary:          unexpected difference between
                   "zlib.output_compression" and "ob_gzhandler"
 Status:           Verified
-Type:             Documentation Problem
+Type:             Bug
-Package:          Documentation problem
+Package:          Output Control
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:      4.4.2

 New Comment:

Re-classified for it to be confirmed behavoir, please change back to a
documentation issue and as "To be documented" if this indeed is expected

Previous Comments:
[2009-11-23 13:34:05] vr...@php.net

I can confirm the behavior but could not find any place in the sources
which explains it.

[2006-03-09 16:46:57] atom at smasher dot org

If nothing else, this would at least be a documentation bug.

[2006-03-09 09:15:26] atom at smasher dot org

if php.ini has:

    output_handler = ob_gzhandler

dynamically generated JPGs are output with gzip (Content-Encoding:

if php.ini has (instead):

    zlib.output_compression = on

dynamically generated JPGs are output without gzip.

In both cases the HTTP request includes "Accept-Encoding: gzip".

It does seem stupid to attempt to compress a compressed image file, but
I can't find any documentation that explains which way is the "right"
way to do it, or how to override the default behavior.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36663&edit=1

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