Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30688&edit=1

 ID:               30688
 Comment by:       mvanbeek at supporting-role dot co dot uk
 Reported by:      sirber at gmail dot com
 Summary:          imap_mail's rpath don't work
 Status:           Wont fix
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          IMAP related
 Operating System: Gentoo Linux 2.6.9
 PHP Version:      4.3.9

 New Comment:

If this bug is not going to be fixed, then the parameter should be
removed from the function, or the function should become a wrapper for

Previous Comments:
[2005-01-19 14:37:05] sni...@php.net

Use mail() function. It is much more flexible and does exactly same
things as imap_mail().

Please ask further support questions on how to configure your system
properly on the proper mailing list(s) found at 

[2004-12-27 22:37:31] sirber at gmail dot com

The only "workaround" is to use SMTP with sockets directly.

[2004-12-27 18:03:50] info at todoo dot com

There is no workaround.

imap_mail simply take the rpath and put it in from-header.

Its impossible for me to get error information back.

[2004-11-04 18:13:04] sirber at gmail dot com

Using imap_mail, and using the rpath setting, the mail I set is not


Stéphane Bérubé


PHP 4.3.9

* Runs on "apache" user

Exim 4.42

* /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m

* Runs on "mail" user

* Special config:

trusted_users = apache

Reproduce code:
$to = "x...@yyy.com";

$sujet = "test";

$mime = "[headers and mime encoded message]";

$cc = "";

$cci = "";

$from = "z...@aaa.com";

function imap_send ($to, $sujet, $mime, $cc, $cci, $from)


                imap_mail ($to, $sujet, "", $mime, $cc, $cci, $from);


Expected result:
Return-path: <z...@aaa.com>

Actual result:
Return-path: <apa...@webernic.com>


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30688&edit=1

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