Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51320&edit=1

 ID:               51320
 Updated by:       ras...@php.net
 Reported by:      woody dot gilk at gmail dot com
 Summary:          Modulus Fails with the number 2.32
 Status:           Bogus
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          *General Issues
 Operating System: OSX, Linux
 PHP Version:      Irrelevant

 New Comment:

I meant:

> var_dump(((int) (100 * 2.32)))


Previous Comments:
[2010-03-21 20:30:51] ras...@php.net

You didn't check your integer conversion.

> var_dump(((int) (100 * 2.32)) % 100);


2.32 cannot be represented accurately in a computer.  It is actually 

2.319999999999 so whenever you do things like floor() or modulus that
relies on 

decimals being precise down to a very low precision you have to account

that.  round() it first to be safe.

[2010-03-21 20:15:41] woody dot gilk at gmail dot com

I don't believe this is actually bogus, but may rather be an error in
the way that 

PHP converts from float point to integer. Consider:

var_dump(((int) (100 * 2.32)) % 100);

var_dump(232 % 100);

Even though the value of (100 * 2.32) is converted to an integer with a
value of 

"232", the modulus still fails. Maybe this is the bug that really

[2010-03-21 20:04:59] johan...@php.net

Floating point values have a limited precision. Hence a value might 
not have the same string representation after any processing. That also
includes writing a floating point value in your script and directly 
printing it without any mathematical operations.

If you would like to know more about "floats" and what IEEE
754 is, read this:
Thank you for your interest in PHP.


[2010-03-18 10:55:21] woody dot gilk at gmail dot com

Sorry, the test script $number value should be "2.32" not "3.32", the

value of "31" is only reported for "2.32", no other numbers.

[2010-03-18 10:53:26] woody dot gilk at gmail dot com

Tested on the following PHP versions:

5.3.2 (OSX)

5.2.5 (Linux, Codepad.org)

5.2.4 (Ubuntu)

The following script improperly reports the modulus as "31" instead of
"32", but 

doesn't seem to happen with any other numbers.

Test script:

$number = 3.32; echo ($number * 100) % 100;

Expected result:

Actual result:


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51320&edit=1

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