Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51396&edit=1

 ID:               51396
 Updated by:       ras...@php.net
 Reported by:      codeslinger at compsalot dot com
 Summary:          Math is Unreliable
 Status:           Feedback
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Math related
 Operating System: any
 PHP Version:      Irrelevant

 New Comment:

I ran your simplefail.php on all 4 data files.  Never saw the failure

Then I took just the huge rawpairs.txt file (had to increase the

and modified your program slightly to do:

for($i=0;$i<100000;$i++) ConvertData($data);

and ran that, which took quite a while.  Still no failures.

You are still the only person who has ever reported these weird ":"

showing up, and you have yet to produce any sort of code that reproduces
it for 

someone else.  We'll keep trying, but something that happens for 1
person out of 

millions is suspicious.

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-26 15:28:16] codeslinger at compsalot dot com

it's still not 20 lines...  it never will be....  but I found one
surprising thing, if I save the array to disk and read it back in I
still get the same failure.

so essentially the snowflake is a Psudo-RNG and that's why trying to
simplify it does not work, because it has to be able to generate all of
those different numbers.  but once we have the set of numbers the
generator becomes irrelevant.

Try this program:


weirdly, every failure is a -0.1

but there are two things that I'm concerned about.  

1) It seems unlikely that the billing program was only failing on that
amount, it is a pretty unusual amount.  Not one I'd normally expect to
see and there were a lot of failures.

2) I'm concerned about the limitations of the detection method.  I am
only finding bad values because they have a colon in the string.  I am
not currently checking for mathematical correctness.  We may not be
seeing the whole story, there could be a lot more bad values that just
are not blatant enough to be observed.

But at least this should give you the starting point that you are asking
for.  The program is reduced to reading a file from disk and checking
each number to see if it's valid.  can't get any simpler than that.  

Of course if the corruption is happening when the value is created,
looking at them after the fact may still not help much.  But when I look
at these values in the eclipse zend debugger, they look normal enough
despite the fact that they can't be properly converted.


The data files are as follows:

rawpairs.txt  is a 6.5meg file and contains both good and bad values,
you don't need this file unless you are trying to validate the
serialization.  This is from a single run of the snowflake, $Nest = 3;
$Depth = 5;

The following were extracted from the raw data.

onepair.txt  contains a single failure item

selectpairs.txt  contains 8 failures which were from a single run of

manypairs.txt   contains about 40 failures which are the result of
multiple runs of the snowflake using different Nest & Depth parameters.

[2010-03-26 11:14:13] paj...@php.net

Does it happen always? Can you try to make a script with only this
function call with the values causing this effect?

[2010-03-26 11:11:05] codeslinger at compsalot dot com

String conversion errors

There is a flag called $FloatType 

You can use it to select the type of conversion that is done.

//this fails with string conversion error

case 0: $s = (string)$f;    

//this fails with string conversion error

case 12: $s = is_float($f) ? sprintf('%.12F', $f) : (string)$f;   

//this fails with string conversion error

case 14: $s = is_float($f) ? sprintf('%.14F', $f) : (string)$f;   

//this WORKS, does not cause a string conversion error

case 20: $s = is_float($f) ? sprintf('%.20F', $f) : (string)$f;   

When I say conversion error, I mean that the result is "0.0:"  not that
php gives any kind of error message.

[2010-03-26 10:23:27] codeslinger at compsalot dot com

quote: Btw, it could be due to bad initialized data as well

I don't understand the question/statement.

The program generates all of it's data.

If you look near the bottom of pov.pco.php  you will see the following

echo "FATAL ERROR: PHP Math is Corrupt Again!!! idx = $idx\n";

If you set a breakpoint there in a php debugger and examine the vaules
you will see that that array contains a float of 0.1

and that the string it was converted to is   "0.0:"

[2010-03-26 10:17:47] codeslinger at compsalot dot com

Thank You for the response.

This program executes thousands of identical loops

it performs a number format conversion on each of those thousands of
numbers in it's array.

Out of all of those thousands of identical conversions about 4 of them
will produce an invalid result.

for this specific program, if I skip the array_merge (see $Nest) then
the bug does not occur.

Every time I make a change to the loops etc. the behavior changes, even
to where the bug is not triggered.  I have already simplified this
program quite a bit and the result was that it now fails at a totally
different array index then when I first observed the problem.  The
trigger is very finicky.

XP is not a factor here, even though the original problem was found on
XP, I am running this Snowflake program on Ubuntu Linux.

converting a number to a string should never result in that string
containing a non-numeric character.

I can try to reduce this program further, but really and truly, it is
hard to trigger this -- but once triggered it is totally consistent and


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Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51396&edit=1

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