Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49588&edit=1

 ID:               49588
 Comment by:       arievanziel at gmail dot com
 Reported by:      fernando at consultorpc dot com
 Summary:          json_encode returns null for certain strings
 Status:           Bogus
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          JSON related
 Operating System: Linux/Mac OSX Leopard
 PHP Version:      5.3.0

 New Comment:

json_encode returns null for a string with é or (for example) ä in

Reproduce code:

$test = "é";

echo $test;

echo json_encode($test);

A possible workaround could be to use (especially if you will use the 

json_encode string as html output):

$test = "é";

$test = htmlentities($test, UTF-8);

echo $test;

echo json_encode($test);

Previous Comments:
[2009-09-18 13:29:20] scott...@php.net

It only appears of display_errors is on though with 5.3.1+ you can also
detect it by looking at json_last_error()

[2009-09-18 12:54:42] j...@php.net

PHP Warning:  json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument in
Command line code on line 1

[2009-09-18 12:36:22] fernando at consultorpc dot com

At my specific case, if a string contains an Euro symbol ( € ),
json_encode will return null for that string.

It might also happens with other special characters.

Reproduce code:

$array = array(

        'name' => htmlentities( 'My euro symbol €.' )


var_dump( $array );

var_dump( json_encode( $array ) );

Expected result:
array(1) {


  string(29) "My euro symbol &euro;."


string(13) "{"name":"My euro symbol &euro;."}"

Actual result:
array(1) {


  string(29) "My euro symbol &acirc;?&not;."


string(13) "{"name":null}"


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49588&edit=1

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