Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51463&edit=1

 ID:               51463
 User updated by:  tyra3l at gmail dot com
 Reported by:      tyra3l at gmail dot com
 Summary:          ErrorException thrown from error_handler not catchable
                   in exception handler
 Status:           Re-Opened
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows Xp Sp3, Debian Lenny
 PHP Version:      5.3.2

 New Comment:

Another weird thing that I observed:

If I try to handle the fatal error from register shutdown function then
the error_get_last() will return NULL if I throw the ErrorException from
the error handler.

If I don't try to convert exceptions from errors, then the
error_get_last() will return the fatal error in the shutdown function.

Or if I generate fatal error for example with 

new NonExistentClassName;

then the error_handler doesn't get called (because this is a fatal
error), but the shutdown function gets the fatal error with

So it seems that there is some strange magic with this situation.


Previous Comments:
[2010-04-02 13:41:02] tyra3l at gmail dot com

But the exception handler should be called after the error handler and
before accessing the empty property which gives the fatal error, isn't

I mean at first the interpreter tries to access the variable named $foo,
then generates a E_NOTICE which is trapped by the error handler, which
trows an Exception which never catched at all.

[2010-04-02 13:35:54] tyra3l at gmail dot com

shit, my mistake, $foo will be empty, so $this->$foo will be generating
a fatal error, but before that, generate a warning about $foo is empty.

[2010-04-02 13:33:40] tyra3l at gmail dot com

On Lenny I was testing with the dotdeb.org 5.3.2 deb, on windows this is
the TS VC9 build

[2010-04-02 13:29:49] tyra3l at gmail dot com

It seems that there are some cases, when you can't catch Exceptions with
exception_handler which was thrown from error_handler for some errors.

For example if you do this:

$class = new StdClass;

echo $class->$foo;

error_handler gets called, ErrorException was thrown, but the Exception
wasn't catched with the exception_handler.

if you try 

echo $foo;

instead of

echo $class->$foo;

then the "same" error gets called with the error handler (by same error,
I mean same parameters), but the Exception thrown in this case is
successfuly catched by the exception handler.

Test script:


ini_set('display_errors', 0);

function debug($s){

        echo "<pre>";


        echo "</pre>";



        function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {



                        'errno'         =>      $errno,

                        'errstr'        =>      $errstr,

                        'errfile'       =>      $errfile,

                        'errline'       =>      $errline,


                throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, 




        function(Exception $e){





$class = new StdClass;

echo $class->$foo;

echo 'done';

Expected result:
string(13) "error_handler"

array(4) {




  string(23) "Undefined variable: foo"


  string(55) "C:\work\xampp_vc9\htdocs\default\bug\error_handling.php"




string(17) "exception_handler"

object(ErrorException)#4 (8) {


  string(23) "Undefined variable: foo"


Actual result:
string(13) "error_handler"

array(4) {




  string(23) "Undefined variable: foo"


  string(55) "C:\work\xampp_vc9\htdocs\default\bug\error_handling.php"





Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51463&edit=1

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