Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51583&edit=1

 ID:               51583
 User updated by:  rainer dot jung at kippdata dot de
 Reported by:      rainer dot jung at kippdata dot de
 Summary:          Bus error due to wrong alignment in mysqlnd
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          MySQL related
 Operating System: Solaris Sparc
 PHP Version:      5.3.2
 Assigned To:      mysql

 New Comment:

I checked the snapshot. Exactly the same problem. Please have a look at
my analysis and patch proposal. Thanks!

Previous Comments:
[2010-04-17 18:29:20] fel...@php.net

Please try using this snapshot:

For Windows:


[2010-04-17 17:44:54] rainer dot jung at kippdata dot de

Using any of pdo-mysql, mysqli or mysql against mysqlnd results in a bus
error on Solaris Sparc. This is due to a wrong alignment assumption that
produces crashes because Sparc is strict about alignment.

The resulting core inspected via GDB shows:

Core was generated by `bin/php -c lib/php.ini mysql.php'.

Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.

#0  0x0027d7f4 in php_mysqlnd_net_send_pub (conn=0x669928,
buf=0xffbeee63 "", count=1)

    at /some/path/php53/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c:281

281                             STORE_HEADER_SIZE(safe_storage, p);

(gdb) bt full

#0  0x0027d7f4 in php_mysqlnd_net_send_pub (conn=0x669928,
buf=0xffbeee63 "", count=1)

    at /some/path/php53/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c:281

        safe_buf = "\000\000\000"

        net = (MYSQLND_NET *) 0x669370

        old_chunk_size = 8192

        ret = 0

        packets_sent = 1

        left = 1

        p = (zend_uchar *) 0xffbeee63 ""

        compress_buf = (zend_uchar *) 0x0

        to_be_sent = 1

#1  0x0027552c in php_mysqlnd_cmd_write (_packet=0x6692b8,

    at /some/path/php53/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:683

        buffer = "\000\000\000\000\001"

        net = (MYSQLND_NET *) 0x669370

        written = <value optimized out>

#2  0x00272154 in php_mysqlnd_conn_simple_command_pub (conn=0x669928,
command=COM_QUIT, arg=<value optimized out>, arg_len=<value optimized
out>, ok_packet=PROT_LAST,

    silent=1 '\001', ignore_upsert_status=1 '\001') at

        _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) 0x7efa10

        ret = <value optimized out>

        cmd_packet = (MYSQLND_PACKET_COMMAND *) 0x6692b8

#3  0x0026f920 in mysqlnd_send_close (conn=0x669928) at

        ret = <value optimized out>

#4  0x00270560 in php_mysqlnd_conn_close_pub (conn=0x669928,
close_type=<value optimized out>)

    at /some/path/php53/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd.c:1461

        _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) 0x7dafb8

        stat = STAT_CLOSE_EXPLICIT

        close_type_to_stat_map = {STAT_CLOSE_EXPLICIT,

#5  0xfee47a70 in _close_mysql_link (rsrc=0x672150) at

        link = (php_mysql_conn *) 0x669358

        handler = (void (*)(int)) 0x1


(gdb) print p

$1 = (zend_uchar *) 0xffbeee63 ""

(gdb) up

#1  0x0027552c in php_mysqlnd_cmd_write (_packet=0x6692b8,

    at /some/path/php53/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:683

683                     written = conn->net->m.send(conn, buffer, 1

(gdb) print &buffer

$2 = (char (*)[5]) 0xffbeee63

Further Analysis shows:

- STORE_HEADER_SIZE() is a macro defined in the same file as:

    int4store((safe_storage), (*(uint32_t *)(buffer)))

  Note that "buffer" gets cast via (uint32_t *)

- buffer is not aligned on a 4 byte boundary, in fact it is an odd

  In the above example it was allocated in line 680 of

  without any alignment enforcement: "char buffer[MYSQLND_HEADER_SIZE +

- thus casting buffer to an (unsigned int *) crashes

Since both macros STORE_HEADER_SIZE and RESTORE_HEADER_SIZE seem to be
used in places, where there can be made no assumption about the
alignment of the buffer, the attached patch proposes to copy the header
bytes as four individual byte operations. Platform specific
optimizations might be applied, but at least the patch seems to be a
robust solution. The patch was done against trunk, same patch applies
with offset to 5_3 branch.

Test script:
<h2>MySQL Test</h2>


  ini_set ('display_errors', true);

// Enter your database connection info here

  $db_server = 'myserv';

  $db_port = '3306';

  $db_name = 'mysql';

  $db_username = 'myuser';

  $db_password = 'mypass';

  echo 'Connecting ...<br>';

  $connection = mysql_connect("$db_server:$db_port", $db_username,
$db_password, $db_name);

  if (! $connection) {

    echo "<br><b>ERROR - Unable to connect to database server
'$db_server:$db_port': ". mysql_error() . '</b><br>';

    return FALSE;


  echo 'Host Info: ' . mysql_get_host_info() . '<br>';

  echo 'Server Info: ' . mysql_get_server_info() . '<br>';

  echo 'Protocol Info: ' . mysql_get_proto_info() . '<br>';

  echo 'Client Info: ' . mysql_get_client_info() . '<br>';



Expected result:
<h2>MySQL Test</h2>

Connecting ...<br>Host Info: sorbus-07 via TCP/IP<br>Server Info:
5.0.27-standard<br>Protocol Info: 10<br>Client Info: mysqlnd 5.0.7-dev -
091210 - $Revision: 294543 $<br>

Actual result:
<h2>MySQL Test</h2>

Connecting ...<br>Host Info: sorbus-07 via TCP/IP<br>Server Info:
5.0.27-standard<br>Protocol Info: 10<br>Client Info: mysqlnd 5.0.7-dev -
091210 - $Revision: 294543 $<br>Bus Error (core dumped)

Note the trailing "Bus Error ..".

The result was produced by running PHP via CLI.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51583&edit=1

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