Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51587&edit=1

 ID:               51587
 Updated by:       tony2...@php.net
 Reported by:      amoiz dot shine at gmail dot com
 Summary:          compile php 5.3.2 with php-fpm error
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Compile Failure
 Operating System: CentOS 5 i686
 PHP Version:      5.3.2

 New Comment:

The backtrace, as you can see, leads into mysql client library.

Did you specify --enable-embedded-mysqli for a reason? And can you try
to recompile PHP without it?

Previous Comments:
[2010-04-19 12:03:50] amoiz dot shine at gmail dot com

># gdb php-fpm

>gdb> run

>gdb> bt full

>Paste here what you get.

OK,see below

(gdb) bt full

#0  0x08725674 in handle_options (argc=0x91a2a04, argv=0x91a2a08,

    longopts=0xab55578, get_one_option=0x8705eb0

    at my_getopt.c:138

        opt_found = <value optimized out>

        argvpos = <value optimized out>

        length = <value optimized out>

        end_of_options = <value optimized out>

        must_be_var = <value optimized out>

        set_maximum_value = <value optimized out>

        option_is_loose = <value optimized out>

        pos = (char **) 0x4

        pos_end = (char **) 0x0

        optend = <value optimized out>

        prev_found = <value optimized out>

        opt_str = <value optimized out>

        key_name =
'\0' <repeats 40 times>,
"\022¯\n\210w\214¿ôÿ\234¶`cj¶¤+¯\n\210w\214¿", '\0' <repeats 16

        optp = <value optimized out>

        value = <value optimized out>

 error = <value optimized out>

        i = <value optimized out>

        is_cmdline_arg = <value optimized out>

#1  0x08707785 in get_options ()

No symbol table info available.

#2  0x087089db in init_common_variables ()

No symbol table info available.

#3  0x08709960 in init_embedded_server ()

No symbol table info available.

#4  0x0837b81e in zm_startup_mysql (type=1, module_number=26)

    at /root/php-5.3.2/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:453

No locals.

#5  0x085f0927 in zend_startup_module_ex (module=0xaabad48)

    at /root/php-5.3.2/Zend/zend_API.c:1613

        name_len = 6

        lcname = 0xb66a6064 "ZZZZZGËÔøøøøg\235²Í="

#6  0x085f9616 in zend_hash_apply (ht=0x91b9720,

    apply_func=0x85f076f <zend_startup_module_ex>)

    at /root/php-5.3.2/Zend/zend_hash.c:673

        result = 0

        p = (Bucket *) 0xaabad18

#7  0x085f0a96 in zend_startup_modules ()

    at /root/php-5.3.2/Zend/zend_API.c:1662

No locals.

#8  0x0857e892 in php_module_startup (sf=0x90fe1c0,

    additional_modules=0x90fe260, num_additional_modules=1)

    at /root/php-5.3.2/main/main.c:2022

        zuf = {error_function = 0x857c472 <php_error_cb>,

  printf_function = 0x857ba82 <php_printf>,

  write_function = 0x857df24 <php_body_write_wrapper>,

  fopen_function = 0x857cfb0 <php_fopen_wrapper_for_zend>,

  message_handler = 0x857d2c8 <php_message_handler_for_zend>,

  block_interruptions = 0, unblock_interruptions = 0,

  get_configuration_directive = 0x857d276
<php_get_configuration_directive_for_zend>, ticks_function = 0x8590590

  on_timeout = 0x857d6b4 <php_on_timeout>,

  stream_open_function = 0x857d06b <php_stream_open_for_zend>,

  vspprintf_function = 0x8582564 <vspprintf>,

  getenv_function = 0x8588ca5 <sapi_getenv>,

  resolve_path_function = 0x857d253 <php_resolve_path_for_zend>}

        zuv = {import_use_extension = 0x8e2bc5c ".php",

  import_use_extension_length = 186, html_errors = 1 '\001'}

        module_number = 0

        php_os = 0x8e2b9ea "Linux"

        module = (zend_module_entry *) 0x90fce90

        directives = {0x8e2988b "define_syslog_variables",

  0x8e29af6 "register_globals", 0x8e29b07 "register_long_arrays",

  0x8e29b2d "safe_mode", 0x8e29a89 "magic_quotes_gpc",

  0x8e29a9a "magic_quotes_runtime", 0x8e29aaf "magic_quotes_sybase",

#9  0x086b9f68 in php_cgi_startup (sapi_module=0x90fe1c0)

    at /root/php-5.3.2/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_main.c:898

No locals.

#10 0x086bb40d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbf8ca534)

    at /root/php-5.3.2/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_main.c:1695

        free_query_string = 0

        exit_status = 0

        cgi = 0

        c = -1

        file_handle = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME,

  filename = 0xbf8ca458 "h¤\214¿«\221\234\b\001",

  opened_path = 0x88745d1
handle = {

    fd = 143015024, fp = 0x8863c70, stream = {handle = 0x8863c70, isatty
= 0,

      mmap = {len = 144478696, pos = 149619814, map = 0xb68b9e25,

        buf = 0x130 <Address 0x130 out of bounds>, old_handle = 0x282,

        old_closer = 0x90e623c <__CTOR_LIST__>}, reader = 0x6fb,

      fsizer = 0x1040800, closer = 0x90e623c <__CTOR_LIST__>}},

  free_filename = 60 '<'}

        orig_optind = 1

orig_optarg = 0x0

        ini_entries_len = 0

        max_requests = 500

        requests = 0

        fcgi_fd = 0

        request = {listen_socket = -1208090624, fd = -1081310416,

  id = -1081309924, keep = 6, closed = -1233975428, in_len = 196608,

  in_pad = 0, out_hdr = 0xbf8c8378, out_pos = 0xb672d000 "",

  out_buf = "
\205\214¿T\205\214¿\003\000\000\000vÂý·D\006þ·pol\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000):ý·1\226n¶db\235¶Àÿý·\...@\235¶\210z\235¶¨\206\214¿\020Óü·1\226n¶3`\235¶`y\004\000´\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\0001\226n¶í\201\000\000\000\000þ·\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Ðr¶\000\000\000\000|\as\000ظ\003\0003`\235¶\000\020\000\000è\001\000\000\000\000\000\000;*ÌK\000\000\000\000):ý·¥\as¶¸Uü·Àÿý·\200\002þ·° \214¿\034\207\214¿\020Óü·\212\as¶3`\235¶Àÿý·"...,
reserved = "ôÿ\234¶p<\206\b\n4æ\bø£\214¿",

  env = 0xb68b9f50}

        fpm_config = 0x0


[2010-04-19 11:55:21] tony2...@php.net

# gdb php-fpm

gdb> run

gdb> bt full

Paste here what you get.

[2010-04-19 11:49:31] amoiz dot shine at gmail dot com

>>Just to make it clear: the segfault is caused by PEAR installer, which
you can >>disable using --without-pear configure option.

Add "--without-pear",Segmentation fault appears too.

my configure:

 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --bindir=/usr/local/bin
--sbindir=/usr/local/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc/sysconfig
--enable-embed=static --enable-fpm --enable-debug --enable-safe-mode
--enable-sigchild --enable-magic-quotes --enable-fd-setsize=100
--enable-calendar --enable-dba=shared --enable-exif --enable-ftp
--enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-intl --enable-mbstring
--enable-embedded-mysqli --enable-pcntl --disable-phar --enable-shmop
--enable-soap --enable-sockets --enable-wddx --enable-zip
--enable-zend-multibyte --with-libxml-dir
--with-libevent-dir=/usr/local/libevent --with-fpm-user=php
--with-fpm-group=php --with-config-file-path=/etc
--with-exec-dir=/usr/local/bin --with-openssl --with-kerberos
--with-pcre-regex --with-zlib --with-bz2 --with-curl --with-gd
--with-mhash --with-imap --with-imap-ssl --with-ldap --with-ldap-sasl
--with-mcrypt --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
--with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/bin/mysql_config --with-xmlrpc

make && make install

[r...@powerpc php-5.3.2]# make install

Installing PHP SAPI module:       fpm

Installing PHP CLI binary:        /usr/local/bin/

Installing PHP CLI man page:      /usr/local/php/man/man1/

Installing shared extensions:    

Installing PHP FPM binary:        /usr/local/sbin/

Installing PHP FPM config:        /etc/sysconfig/

Installing PHP FPM man page:      /usr/local/php/man/man1/

Installing build environment:     /usr/local/php/lib/php/build/

Installing header files:          /usr/local/php/include/php/

Installing helper programs:       /usr/local/bin/

  program: phpize

  program: php-config

Installing man pages:             /usr/local/php/man/man1/

  page: phpize.1

  page: php-config.1

Installing PDO headers:          /usr/local/php/include/php/ext/pdo/

NOW,i am going to run php-fpm,

[r...@powerpc php-5.3.2]# php-fpm

Segmentation fault

[2010-04-19 11:39:52] amoiz dot shine at gmail dot com

>>Yes. Run the command as root.

In fact,i am ROOT already

[2010-04-19 11:27:01] tony2...@php.net

Just to make it clear: the segfault is caused by PEAR installer, which
you can disable using --without-pear configure option.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51587&edit=1

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