Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51706&edit=1

 ID:               51706
 Comment by:       keith at take88 dot com
 Reported by:      keith at take88 dot com
 Summary:          Make fails dns.c:305: error: expected
                   specifier-qualifier-list before ‘HEADER'
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Compile Failure
 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6.3
 PHP Version:      5.3.2

 New Comment:

Wait a second. I'm seeing this when I run ./configure

checking build system type... Invalid configuration `/usr': machine
`/usr' not recognized

That's the --prefix=/usr part of my ./configure script. 

That sounds like it could be screwing up my dns host stuff.

Any ideas?

Previous Comments:
[2010-05-04 16:18:02] ras...@php.net

Works fine for me on Leopard here as well.  Both 5.3.2 and SVN.

[2010-05-04 15:47:14] keith at take88 dot com

I'm trying to build PHP from source using a fresh install of Snow
Leopard. No fink. No Macports.

When I try an SVN install I get other problems.

[2010-05-04 11:14:45] david dot zuelke at bitextender dot com

Can't reproduce here... building from fresh SVN checkout of PHP_5_3 on a


of Mac OS X 10.6.3.

Both with

  ./configure --disable-all


  MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6.3 CFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe


CCFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe"


arch x86_64 -bind_at_load -L/usr/local/lib/ -liconv" ./configure

it builds just fine,

  make test

shows nothing unusual (http://pastie.org/944860), gethostbyname() etc

Maybe it's some sort of library conflict on your system? Or your
checkout is 


Undeclared identifiers sound fishy; T_MX etc are defined outside of PHP.

[2010-05-01 22:41:36] scott...@php.net

Jani made the last changes to these :)

[2010-05-01 22:36:40] ka...@php.net

Scott, I remember you fixed some portability issues for the DNS
functions, namely on MAC could you look into this?


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