Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51268&edit=1

 ID:               51268
 User updated by:  arlo at arlomedia dot com
 Reported by:      arlo at arlomedia dot com
 Summary:          fsockopen+fread behaves differently with port 443 vs.
                   port 80
 Status:           Bogus
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Network related
 Operating System: Red Hat Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.13

 New Comment:

This comment doesn't address my issue. The issue is that the function

differently depending on the port used for the remote connection. Over
port 80, I 

requested 4096 bytes of data from fread and got 4096 bytes of data, but
over port 

443 I only got the headers. Why is this not consistent?

The practical result is that I set up a utility using port 80 on a
testing server, 

then when I tried to implement it on port 443 on a development server, I
had to 

troubleshoot and then rework the code because of this undocumented

Previous Comments:
[2010-05-19 15:36:37] m...@php.net

Quoting documentation:


When reading from anything that is not a regular local file, such as
streams returned when reading remote files or from popen() and
fsockopen(), reading will stop after a packet is available. This means
that you should collect the data together in chunks as shown in the
examples below.

[2010-03-11 01:49:48] arlo at arlomedia dot com

If I open a network connection with fsockopen on port 80, then read the

chunk of the response with fread, I receive the response headers plus
enough of 

the response body to fulfill the read length that I requested.

However, if I do the same thing over port 443, I receive only the
response headers 

in my initial fread command, regardless of their length. I don't receive
any of 

the response body until I call fread again.

The script below demonstrates this. If you run it as shown, you will see

header plus part of the body as response 1, and a continuation of the
body as 

response 2. But if you change $connection_port to 443, you will see only

header as response 1, with the body starting at response 2.

I repeated this issue on one server running PHP 5.2.13 and another
running 5.3.0.

Test script:

        $connection_port = 80;

        $source_domain = "www.msgen.com";

        $source_path = "/assembled/home.html";

        $source_host = ($connection_port == 443) ? "ssl://$source_domain" :
$source_domain ;

        $request = "GET /$source_path HTTP/1.0\nHost:
$source_domain\nConnection: close\n\n";

        $socket = fsockopen($source_host, $connection_port, $error_number,

        fputs($socket, $request);

        $response_1 = fread($socket, 4096);

        $response_2 = fread($socket, 4096);


        print "response 1:<br />\n".htmlentities($response_1);

        print "<br /><br />\n";

        print "response 2:<br />\n".htmlentities($response_2);


Expected result:
I would expect fread to return the same results regardless of the port
used for 


Actual result:
The first instance of fread stops at the end of the headers when using
port 443.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51268&edit=1

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