Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51983&edit=1

 ID:               51983
 Comment by:       f...@php.net
 Reported by:      konstantin at symbi dot org
 Summary:          [fpm sapi] pm.status_path not working when
 Status:           Assigned
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          FPM related
 Operating System: Any
 PHP Version:      5.3SVN-2010-06-03 (snap)
 Assigned To:      fat

 New Comment:

I'm asking about Apache, to be certain not to ban some webservers from


According to http://www.fastcgi.com/drupal/node/3, we have to make sure
that FPM 

is compliant with all of the following webservers:


Microsoft IIS

Microsoft IIS (second generation)



Premium thttpd http



WebSTAR (Mac OS)



Previous Comments:
[2010-06-04 08:52:49] konstantin at symbi dot org

99% of fpm installations are with nginx or lighty, using fpm sapi with

webservers is at least very strange. But I have just checked it with 

Apache+mod_fastcgi in a simplest configuration:

DocumentRoot "/var/www"

FastCgiExternalServer /var/www -socket /tmp/php-fpm.sock

<Directory /var/www>

    Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI

    AllowOverride   All

    Order           Allow,Deny

    Allow           from all


and it works OK.

The patch contains comments in the top of the new init_request_info() 

implementation. It describes why fastcgi parameters are mapped to the

filename in this way, and it was chosen after examining CGI specs,
typical fpm 

configurations, and common sense.

BTW, those webservers like old IIS versions with buggy cgi
implementations which 

required that awkward way of guessing what they meant, for which the

implementation of init_request_info() was designed, do not support

FastCGI at all.

[2010-06-04 08:25:19] f...@php.net

Have you tried your patch with other webservers than nginx and lighttpd

[2010-06-04 06:32:12] sergo_s at bk dot ru

I met problem "No input file specified" in the configuration of lighttpd
1.4.26 + php-5.3.2 + fastcgi/php-fpm when requesting addresses like
index.php/myMethod/ (kohanaframework based site). I found that

(More about my problem in this post:
http://phpclub.ru/talk/showthread.php?s=&postid=902382 (russian))

This patch solved the problem. Thanks.

[2010-06-03 04:42:33] konstantin at symbi dot org

FPM status does not work when cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1, with the default

configuration for php (default fastcgi_params + SCRIPT_FILENAME added).

The problems is that in fpm_main.c, here:

if (!strcasecmp(SG(request_info).request_method, "GET") && 

fpm_status_handle_status(SG(request_info).request_uri, ...

SG(request_info).request_uri is sometimes NULL depending on the
trickiest things 

which happen when cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1.

I have examined the code of init_request_info() which runs when

= 1, and I found out that this part of code is legacy part from the CGI
SAPI, it 

is was designed to fix problems with a lots of broken CGI
implementations. It 

was reasonable for CGI to get the things working independent on speed,
but the 

'bruteforce' approach used is not too good for FPM SAPI which is
commonly used 

on high-bandwidth sites.

More, PHP introduces non-standard "SCRIPT_FILENAME" fastcgi env; it is
not hard 

to add it to configuration of flexible servers like nginx (by using 

"fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name" in

configuration), but it can cause problems with such servers as lighttpd

all the fastcgi parameters are hardcoded (I've seen people on forums

thay get 'no input file' with nginx+fpm and they found no way to fix

So, I have found the fix_pathinfo part is written in a hard to
understand and 

difficult to fix way, and that is is really not required for FPM SAPI,
and that 

it slows it down. System administrators who configure FSM webservers and
use FPM 

sapi are usually experianced and for them it would be preferable to have

and simple logic rather then some magic which can potentially slow
things down a 

lot. So i have rewritten init_request_info(), the the suggested patch is


It logic of detection script_filename is much simpler:

if SCRIPT_FILENAME is defined, use it,

else if both DOCUMENT_ROOT and SCRIPT_NAME are defined, concat them and

(should fix all the problems with lighty etc);

else if PATH_TRALSLATED is defined, use it as script_filename;

else we do not know the script_filename.

And, of course, it fixes the problem with pm.status_path I started with.

Test script:

Expected result:

Actual result:


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