Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52108&edit=1

 ID:               52108
 Updated by:       fel...@php.net
 Reported by:      goebel at arsmedia-software dot de
 Summary:          PHP-Bug in Array Key
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          JSON related
 Operating System: Ubuntu 9.04 (AMD64)
 PHP Version:      Irrelevant

 New Comment:

See bug #45959

Previous Comments:
[2010-06-19 12:26:41] anon at anon dot com

Hi, just passing by. I don't know why it does that but here's a more
complete test that does not require JSON:



//$obj = json_decode('{"2":123}');

$obj = new stdClass();

$obj->{"2"} = 123;

var_dump($obj->{2}, $obj->{"2"}, $obj);

$array = (array)$obj;

var_dump($array[2], $array["2"], $array);


It can access the int(123) via both 2 and "2" on the object, but even
though the array var_dump shows the "2" key to be present, and it can be
iterated, both [2] and ["2"] complain the offset/index is undefined.

[2010-06-17 10:19:21] goebel at arsmedia-software dot de


I've found an error in the keys of an array. If I have a JSON-String and
decode it with json_decode and cast the returned value in an array then
I get NULL trying to access an array entry (eg array[1]). The return
value should however be a stdClass object.

Yours sincerely,

Arne Göbel

Test script:
$jstr = '{"1": {"anzahl": "", "preis": "", "einheit": "",
"beschreibung": "", "mwst": ""}, "2": {"anzahl": "22", "preis": "3",
"einheit": "", "beschreibung": "", "mwst": ""}, "3": {"anzahl": "12",
"preis": "22", "einheit": "", "beschreibung": "", "mwst": ""}, "4":
{"anzahl": "", "preis": "", "einheit": "", "beschreibung": "", "mwst":

$array = (array) json_decode($jstr);

echo '<pre>';

var_dump($array[2], $array);

echo phpversion();

Expected result:

"2" => stdClass object

public anzahl = "22"

public preis = "3"

public einheit = ""

public beschreibung = ""

public mwst = ""


Actual result:


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52108&edit=1

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