Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=8985&edit=1

 ID:               8985
 Comment by:       james at ihush dot com
 Reported by:      fuf at mobil dot cz
 Summary:          shm_put_var wont put the given var into memory
 Status:           No Feedback
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Semaphore related
 Operating System: linux-2.2.18
 PHP Version:      4.0.4pl1

 New Comment:

I had also experienced such problem in my multi-process program, i start
several processes which shared a shared memory segment created by shm_*
method and when i get/set them frequently, i found some value is wrong
or missing, my PHP version is 5.2.11, would you please to help me to
check this problem? thank you very much ~~~~ :)

Previous Comments:
[2002-02-15 00:00:02] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2002-01-14 12:25:59] gik at zap dot cl


Forgot to explain my example :)

In the Log file, "...added successfully to SHM..." means that
shm_put_var() returned true.  But the next time I call shm_get_var(), I
get the following error: "variable key ... doesn't exist in bbb.php4 on
line ..."


[2002-01-14 12:19:45] gik at zap dot cl

I've been experiencing the same problem on a dual cpu server, even with
PHP 4.1.1.  Sometimes occurs that shm_put_var() doesn't correctly write
data to SHM but returns true, and as I manage an array of online users
in SHM, I have noticed that all users sometimes are dropped off.

I also check semaphores before writing to SHM.

16:44:41 User aaa added successfully to SHM. (8104 bytes written)

16:45:54 User bbb added successfully to SHM. (8209 bytes written)

16:47:20 User bbb deleted successfully from SHM. (8104 bytes written)

16:47:31 User ccc added successfully to SHM. (8206 bytes written)

16:49:29 User ddd added successfully to SHM. (109 bytes written)

I offer my help to debug this problem,

Giancarlo Girardi

[2002-01-14 02:24:57] lob...@php.net

Have you tried this with 4.1.1?

[2001-01-29 12:27:07] fuf at mobil dot cz


  this is the same bug as described in #7046. a call to shm_put_var()
returns true all the time, but checking whether the variable has been
_really_ stored reveals that it hasn't.

  this doesn't happen on my 1 cpu box (i can't reproduce it however much
i try), but on a loaded server with 4 cpus it happens pretty often. of
course i call sem_acquire() before writing the variable into the shared
memory, so it should be safe.

  i can supply the whole source in which this happens (445 lines) but
basically it's just list this:

        $semid = sem_get($sem_key, 1);


        $var = shm_get_var($shmid, $var_key); // $var is an array

        // some change to $var, $var is still an array

        shm_put_var($shmid, $var_key, $var);

        if(!is_array(shm_get_var($shmid, $var_key)))

                echo "failed to write \$var :(\n";


  could the problem be caused by the true multitasking on the 4 cpu

        thanks for any help with this,

                        Michal Vitecek


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=8985&edit=1

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