Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45488&edit=1

 ID:               45488
 Comment by:       daniel dot reiche at tu-dresden dot de
 Reported by:      webez dot cn at gmail dot com
 Summary:          preg_replace failed when the $subject parameter length
                   exceeds 100009
 Status:           Bogus
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          PCRE related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.2.6

 New Comment:

if this is intended, shouldn't the manual reflect that and e.g. state
that the subject length is limited by PCRE_BACKTRACK_LIMIT ?

Just happened to stumble over this myself, and only the Bug-Report
Dialog showed this bug to me after i tried to write a new one.

Was not able to find it myself using the search!

Previous Comments:
[2008-07-12 16:06:33] fel...@php.net

This is expected, it when fails preg_last_error() returns: int(2)



[2008-07-11 17:57:39] webez dot cn at gmail dot com

if the $subject parameter's length exceeds 100009, str_replace has no
return value.

This has been reproduced on windows 2003 with php 5.2.6 and Linux with
php 5.2.5


If there is backslash in the $subject parameter and $pattern parameter,
the critical poiont will change, the maximum string length to reproduce
this bug will increase.

Reproduce code:





function str_replace_test($dummyText){



        echo "str_replace with length: ".strlen($dummyText)."



Expected result:
str_replace with length: 100009 passed

str_replace with length: 100010 passed

Actual result:
str_replace with length: 100009 passed

str_replace with length: 100010 failed


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45488&edit=1

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