Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41243&edit=1

 ID:          41243
 Comment by:  php at atis dot id dot lv
 Reported by: joel dot alexandre at gmail dot com
 Summary:     How to use ZIPARCHIVE::CM_STORE
 Status:      Open
 Type:        Feature/Change Request
 Package:     Feature/Change Request
 PHP Version: 5.x
 Assigned To: pajoye

 New Comment:

This would be quite nice for me too. No compression could be useful for
creating large archives of multiple files on the fly.

Previous Comments:
[2010-06-04 17:44:31] shockmaker at hotmail dot com

I'm looking to create a zip file with a compression level of 0 on some

So this feature is essential for me.

[2010-03-16 04:53:19] jotunbane at gmail dot com

3 years and still no solution to this?

Dude you are holding back an entire industry here (exaggeration, I

Can somebody come up with a workaround for this??

[2009-12-13 16:49:59] made at up dot address

Please implement the ability to store files uncompressed in a zip

Without this, it is not possible to create epub documents using php, as
the standards require that a particular file is always added to the
archive uncompressed.


[2009-05-26 11:31:03] andreidf at yahoo dot com

"Future versions will let you specify the compression mode and method."

When? :)

[2007-05-01 18:05:51] paj...@php.net

"This applies to all ZIPARCHIVE::FL_* "



That's where some of the flags can be used. Each function doc defines
which flag or option can be used.

"and ZIPARCHIVE::CM_* flags."

The compression method (and mode) are read only for now. It is part of
the entry info returned by the stat* functions.

Future versions will let you specify the compression mode and method.

Move to feature request and assign to me (it is in my todo but at least
this bug may help other to figure it out or to provide patches :).


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the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41243&edit=1

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