Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=12428&edit=1

 ID:               12428
 Comment by:       php at guerrillamailblock dot com
 Reported by:      rvtol at xs4all dot nl
 Summary:          I want 'echoln'
 Status:           Closed
 Type:             Feature/Change Request
 Package:          Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: any
 PHP Version:      4.0.6

 New Comment:

Why not?

Previous Comments:
[2002-04-27 15:50:40] j...@php.net

not going to happen.

[2001-07-27 11:04:33] rvtol at xs4all dot nl

Is there something like an 'echoln'? 

I use echo $var,'\n' quite often, 

so an 'echoln' would be very handy. 

Or even better would be macros:

#define echoln echo $, 'n'

Thanks, Ruud


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=12428&edit=1

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