Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52312&edit=1

 ID:               52312
 Comment by:       v dot damore at gmail dot com
 Reported by:      v dot damore at gmail dot com
 Summary:          PHP lstat problem
 Status:           Analyzed
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.13

 New Comment:

Please pay attention correct URL for debugging info is 


Previous Comments:
[2010-07-13 21:04:24] v dot damore at gmail dot com

If you take a look at debugging done in
http://damore.xoom.it/apache-2.2_php-5.3.2_break-lstat.txt, you can see
that tsrm_realpath_r is called in 2 different place:

- First during phar_find_in_include_path function 

- Second during php_check_specific_open_basedir function.

* During php_check_specific_open_basedir, traverse entire path at least
three times, so i means 3 call to tsrm_realpath_r.

I don't discuss the need to traverse entire path, but only one time.

There should be a better way to implement such code, I'll try to write a
patch if there is someone that want help me looking what I'm writing.

[2010-07-13 15:23:33] paj...@php.net

The reason was due to a security flaw involving symbolic links and
realpath cache. It allowed to bypass open_basedir when a path was
cached. The cleanest way to fix it was to disable the realpath cache
when open_basedir/safemode are set.

Thanks Johannes to remind us about this change.

[2010-07-13 11:01:23] v dot damore at gmail dot com

Looking at source code main/main.c of 5.2.13 I can see:

1292:           /* Disable realpath cache if safe_mode or open_basedir are set 


                if (PG(safe_mode) || (PG(open_basedir) &&
*PG(open_basedir))) {

                        CWDG(realpath_cache_size_limit) = 0;


1769:   /* Disable realpath cache if safe_mode or open_basedir are set */

        if (PG(safe_mode) || (PG(open_basedir) && *PG(open_basedir))) {

                CWDG(realpath_cache_size_limit) = 0;


So realpath cache is definitely disabled in case of safe_mode or

This dramatically reduce performance of PHP Engine and this behavior can
bring a 

server to its knees.

Especially because there is a lack of documentation!

Can you explain why this choose?

Must I continue debugging PHP engine in order to understand what's

[2010-07-13 01:52:37] v dot damore at gmail dot com

I found where the problem is, this behavior is not a bug.

Looking at main/main.c I found following lines:

1416:           /* Disable realpath cache if safe_mode or open_basedir
are set */

                if (PG(safe_mode) || (PG(open_basedir) &&
*PG(open_basedir))) {

                        CWDG(realpath_cache_size_limit) = 0;


1978:   /* Disable realpath cache if safe_mode or open_basedir are set */

        if (PG(safe_mode) || (PG(open_basedir) && *PG(open_basedir))) {

                CWDG(realpath_cache_size_limit) = 0;


Could you explain why if safe_mode or open_basedir are set realpath
cache is disabled?

[2010-07-13 01:38:26] v dot damore at gmail dot com

There is a interesting update, I have found CWDG define so now we have:

(gdb) print cwd_globals.realpath_cache_size_limit

$3 = 0

Probably you should check why realpath_cache_size_limit is equal to 0


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


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