Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52221&edit=1

 ID:               52221
 User updated by:  m dot philipp at coreto dot de
 Reported by:      m dot philipp at coreto dot de
 Summary:          Misbehaviour of magic_quotes_runtime (get/set))
 Status:           Open
 Type:             Bug
-Package:          Documentation problem
+Package:          Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2
 PHP Version:      5.3.2

 New Comment:

Package correction

Previous Comments:
[2010-07-01 14:13:36] m dot philipp at coreto dot de

The documentation lists the get_magic_quotes_runtime() /
set_magic_quotes_runtime() functions as DEPRECATED as of this PHP
version. They still exist and can be called, but already work
inconsistent. When magic_quotes_runtime 

file_get_contents() still escapes data, mysqli_fetch_assoc() does not

Test script:


echo "GMQR: ";


$c = mysqli_connect();

mysqli_select_db($c, "test");

$r = mysqli_query($c, "select t from test;");

$ra = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r);

echo "\nDB test:\n" . $ra['t'];

$f = file_get_contents("test.txt");

echo "\n\nfile test.txt:\n" . $f;


Content of "test.txt" and table "t":

backslash: \

slash: /

double backslash: \\

quotes: "

single quotes: ' 

Expected result:
Expecting similar behaviour from both function calls, dependent of the
acutal magic_quotes_runtime setting.


throwing a fatal or catchable_fatal error that unexpectet results can
occur. A function thould be completely removed instead of marked as
deprecated, when it starts to stop working like before.

Actual result:
Deprecated:  Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in
test.php on line 1

GMQR: int(1)

DB test:

backslash: \

slash: /

double backslash: \\

quotes: "

single quotes: ' 

file test.txt:

backslash: \\

slash: /

double backslash: \\\\

quotes: \"

single quotes: \' 


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52221&edit=1

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