Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52641&edit=1

 ID:                 52641
 Comment by:         admin dot windows at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        admin dot windows at gmail dot com
 Summary:            scrambled class name passed by call_user_func on non
                     existing methods
 Status:             Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Class/Object related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:        5.2.13
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

Here is output of get_loaded_extensions() on my local system PHP v
5.3.2, WIN 7 




    [0] => Core

    [1] => com_dotnet

    [2] => ctype

    [3] => date

    [4] => ereg

    [5] => filter

    [6] => ftp

    [7] => hash

    [8] => iconv

    [9] => json

    [10] => session

    [11] => openssl

    [12] => pcre

    [13] => Reflection

    [14] => standard

    [15] => SPL

    [16] => mysqlnd

    [17] => zlib

    [18] => libxml

    [19] => dom

    [20] => PDO

    [21] => pdo_sqlite

    [22] => SimpleXML

    [23] => xml

    [24] => cgi-fcgi

    [25] => bcmath

    [26] => bz2

    [27] => calendar

    [28] => curl

    [29] => exif

    [30] => gd

    [31] => gettext

    [32] => imap

    [33] => ldap

    [34] => mbstring

    [35] => mcrypt

    [36] => mysql

    [37] => mysqli

    [38] => pdo_mysql

    [39] => pdo_pgsql

    [40] => pgsql

    [41] => soap

    [42] => sockets

    [43] => tidy

    [44] => tokenizer

    [45] => xsl

    [46] => zip

    [47] => intl

    [48] => SQLite

    [49] => xmlreader

    [50] => xmlwriter

    [51] => fileinfo

    [52] => Phar

    [53] => win32service

    [54] => oci8

    [55] => PDO_OCI

    [56] => xmlrpc

    [57] => Zend Data Cache

    [58] => Zend Job Queue

    [59] => Zend Session Clustering

    [60] => Zend Utils

    [61] => Zend Optimizer+

    [62] => Zend Code Tracing

    [63] => Zend Monitor

    [64] => Zend Debugger

    [65] => Zend Monitor UI


One of my hosting with version 5.2.11, Cent OS



    [0] => date

    [1] => libxml

    [2] => openssl

    [3] => pcre

    [4] => zlib

    [5] => bcmath

    [6] => calendar

    [7] => ctype

    [8] => curl

    [9] => dom

    [10] => hash

    [11] => filter

    [12] => ftp

    [13] => gd

    [14] => gettext

    [15] => gmp

    [16] => session

    [17] => iconv

    [18] => standard

    [19] => json

    [20] => ldap

    [21] => mbstring

    [22] => mcrypt

    [23] => mhash

    [24] => ming

    [25] => mysql

    [26] => SimpleXML

    [27] => pgsql

    [28] => posix

    [29] => pspell

    [30] => Reflection

    [31] => imap

    [32] => SPL

    [33] => mysqli

    [34] => soap

    [35] => SQLite

    [36] => exif

    [37] => tidy

    [38] => tokenizer

    [39] => xml

    [40] => xmlreader

    [41] => xmlrpc

    [42] => xmlwriter

    [43] => xsl

    [44] => zip

    [45] => cgi-fcgi

    [46] => mailparse

    [47] => memcache

    [48] => PDO

    [49] => pdo_mysql

    [50] => pdo_pgsql

    [51] => pdo_sqlite

    [52] => uploadprogress

    [53] => ionCube Loader

    [54] => Zend Optimizer


As you can see this behaviour was reproduced on 5.2.11, 5.2.13, 5.3.2

of php

For reference you can see this event live here:


Previous Comments:
[2010-08-20 08:04:26] ahar...@php.net

I've gone back as far as 5.2.11 and I can't reproduce this either --
every version I've tested gives the same (valid) warning as Felipe got.

What does "php -m" output? (If you don't have CLI access, then the
output of var_dump(get_loaded_extensions()) would suffice.)

[2010-08-19 04:27:33] admin dot windows at gmail dot com

I don't have 5.2.14 installed on my hosting to confirm that it works on

version. However I have uploaded this script on other hosting accounts
that with 

5.2.11 and 5.2.13 version installed.

[2010-08-19 04:08:23] fel...@php.net

Hi, I am using 5.2 SVN.

(PHP 5.2.14RC4-dev (cli) (built: Jul 31 2010 13:23:04) (DEBUG))

[2010-08-19 04:05:24] admin dot windows at gmail dot com

Hi Felipe, you are probably using version >=5.3. This bug related to
version below 

5.3 and it was reproduced on server running 5.2.13

[2010-08-19 03:56:22] fel...@php.net

I cannot reproduce this.

I got the message "Warning:
call_user_func(experimental::non_existing_method): First argument is
expected to be a valid callback"


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52641&edit=1

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