Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50431&edit=1

 ID:                 50431
 Comment by:         michael at squiloople dot com
 Reported by:        troy at scriptedmotion dot com
 Summary:            Using filter_var to filter an email address returns
                     incorrect result
 Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Filter related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu
 PHP Version:        5.2.11
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

The standards are actually RFC 5321 and 5322, and according to RFC 5321

goes into more specific detail over domain names in email addresses),
"in the case 

of a top-level domain used by itself in an email address, a single
string is used 

without any dots."

Previous Comments:
[2010-05-08 02:32:01] office at lucian0308 dot com

i see a deference 

the standard is http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822

this function respect the standard?

because PEAR

say that use RFC2822 and it works corectly 

without  dot and level domain shoud be a false email.

[2009-12-09 19:02:01] ras...@php.net

That's a valid email address.  Email addresses don't need a tld.  Try 

emailing r...@localhost, for example.  Any locally defined host can 

potentially receive email.

[2009-12-09 18:59:19] troy at scriptedmotion dot com

Using filter_var to filter a string containing an email address with no
top level domain returns the string instead of false.

For example:

filter_var('t...@1', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

returns 't...@1' instead of false.

Reproduce code:
filter_var('t...@1', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); // returns 't...@1' instead of

Expected result:

Actual result:
"t...@1" // a string


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50431&edit=1

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