Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52658&edit=1

 ID:                 52658
 User updated by:    cyoung at gcs dot neric dot org
 Reported by:        cyoung at gcs dot neric dot org
 Summary:            odbc_fetch_row doesn't fetch memo field
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            ODBC related
 Operating System:   Windows Sever 2008
 PHP Version:        5.3.3
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

I was able to find a way to fix this "problem" I was having when using
odbc_fetch_row with memo fields.  When I connected to the database I
used the optional cursor_type parameter.

$cnx = odbc_connect('$databaseName', 'user', 'pass', SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC);

This seemed to allow odbc_fetch_row to retrieve the memo field
successfully.  I was getting the error below before inserting the cursor
type into odbc_connect.

PHP Warning:  odbc_result() [<a
href='function.odbc-result'>function.odbc-result</a>]: SQL error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Invalid cursor position; no
keyset defined , SQL state S1109 in SQLGetData

Previous Comments:
[2010-08-20 17:38:42] cyoung at gcs dot neric dot org

odbc_fetch_row doesn't retrieve a memo field from MS access db.  It does
however retrieve all the other fields in the same row successfully. 
Without the use of odbc_fetch_row, odbc_result retrieves the memo field
exactly as expected.  This obviously poses a problem only when trying to
retrieve more than one row in a database, which is usually the case more
than not.

Test script:
while(odbc_fetch_row($result)) {

     $newsID = odbc_result($result, "newsID");

     $newsTitle = odbc_result($result, "newsTitle");

     $titleLink = odbc_result($result, "titleLink");

     $brief = trim(odbc_result($result, "brief"));

     $link = $titleLink.$newsID;


     $newsBrief = substr($brief, 0, 75);

     echo "<div id=\"newsLink\" class=\"newsTitle\"><a href=\"$link\"
onclick=\"window.open('$link', 'GCSNews', 'width=500, height=400,
menubar=no, toolbar=no, resizable=no, top=100, left=200'); return

     echo "<div class=\"newsBrief\">$newsBrief...</div>";                       



Expected result:
I expected the memo field "brief" to be fetched, trimmed, and then a
substring of the first 75 characters to be stored in $newBrief and print
out followed by ...

Actual result:

when trouble shooting, just echoing $brief showed nothing in the
browser.  $brief is an empty string when used in conjunction with


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52658&edit=1

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