Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53114&edit=1

 ID:                 53114
 Updated by:         f...@php.net
 Reported by:        102956 at mail dot ru
 Summary:            Assertion failed exited on signal 6 SIGABRT
-Status:             Open
+Status:             Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            FPM related
 Operating System:   FreeBSD 7.3
 PHP Version:        5.3.3
-Assigned To:        
+Assigned To:        fat
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

This should be the same problem as bug 52501


Can you test the patch attached to the bug report 52501 please ?

Does the script mov_conv.php call an external program ? (like 


Previous Comments:
[2010-10-20 13:59:45] 102956 at mail dot ru

Good afternoon.

I use sheaf Nginx-Php 5.3.3 with FPM

Each site works from the user.

On a hosting the server, periodically there are problems. Process
php-fpm which belongs to the root user, I so understand it parent
process, starts to occupy many random access memory, the order of
400-500 Mbytes and so absorbs processor time, the order of 90 %. 

In a log files thus the following:

- -

Oct 20 09:16:30.523767 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 93353, script 

'/home/carobka/domains/carobka.ru/public_html/mov_conv.php ' execution

ed out (120.024054 sec), terminating

Oct 20 09:16:30.525500 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 93353 exited on
signal 15 SIGTERM after 835.521378 seconds 

from start

Oct 20 09:16:30.527112 [NOTICE] [pool carobka] child 93502 started

Oct 20 09:16:30.529921 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 93502 said into
stderr: "Assertion failed: 

(TAILQ_EMPTY (&base-> eventqueue)), function e

vent_base_free, file event.c, line 268."

Oct 20 09:16:30.531324 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 93502 exited on
signal 6 SIGABRT after 0.004412 seconds 

from start

- -

After I reboot php-fpm all comes to the order and any time can continue
to work still. 

I also have received core a file when I have tried to look with the help
gdb I have seen: Core was generated by ` php-fpm '.

Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.

#0 0x28686e17 in?? ()

And more than any helpful information.

I so have read http://bugs.php.net/52501 and I have seen that a problem
similar, but I don't use sendmail, my scripts use SMTP sockets. I have
applied patch: fpm-nomorelibevent.v8.patch, some time I suffered so that
all points were success, as a result I managed to install php but when I
have launched again php-fpm in a log files I has seen the following:

Oct 20 15:10:57.532823 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21040
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:57.876799 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21041
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:57.934929 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21042
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:58.101454 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21060 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:58.111586 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21043
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:58.183676 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21044
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:58.532873 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21061 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:58.746227 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21045
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:58.823848 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21062 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:59.476761 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21046
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:59.538260 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21047
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:10:59.609409 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21063 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:00.198145 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21049
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:00.317165 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21050
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:00.549732 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21064 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:00.938892 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21051
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:00.952763 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21065 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:01.007574 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21066 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:01.919207 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21052
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:02.918834 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21067 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:03.159053 [WARNING] [pool arriva.arriva.ru] child 21054
said into stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:03.289054 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21068 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"

Oct 20 15:11:03.835604 [WARNING] [pool carobka] child 21069 said into
stderr: "Out of memory"


Here my configuration file:



; Global Options ;



pid = /var/run/php-fpm.pid

error_log = /var/log/php-fpm.log

log_level = notice

emergency_restart_threshold = 10

emergency_restart_interval = 1m

process_control_timeout = 10s

daemonize = yes


; Pool Definitions ;



listen = /home/arriva/arriva.arriva.ru.php.sock

listen.backlog = -1

listen.owner = arriva

listen.group = apache

listen.mode = 0666

user = arriva

group = arriva

pm = dynamic

pm.max_children = 128

pm.start_servers = 20

pm.min_spare_servers = 15

pm.max_spare_servers = 30

pm.max_requests = 500

pm.status_path = /status

request_terminate_timeout = 120s

rlimit_files = 206103

rlimit_core = 0

catch_workers_output = yes

env[HOSTNAME] = arriva.ru

env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin

env[TMP] = /home/arriva/tmp

env[TMPDIR] = /home/arriva/tmp

env[TEMP] = /home/arriva/tmp

;php_flag[display_errors] = off

php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/fpm-php.wwwarriva.ru.log

php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on

php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 256M

How to me to rectify errors which I has described above? 



Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53114&edit=1

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