Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53108&edit=1

 ID:                 53108
 User updated by:    mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com
 Summary:            Can't compile php_pdo_dlib NTS VC6
 Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            PDO related
 Operating System:   Windows
 PHP Version:        5.3.3
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

The controversial proposal, for me more important is application

working  in * nix, than any special optimisation's for windows platform.

can't give me single correctly working code for both platforms.

Previous Comments:
[2010-10-21 20:09:07] paj...@php.net

I will have to test or ask to test encoding and field names.

In any case, if you use a framework you should definitively rely on
SqlSrv (given that the encoding works or will be fixed if not). FreeTDS
won't make it on php for Windows.

[2010-10-21 19:11:14] mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com

1) Example:

I have table wich fields names have CP1251 encoding

--Table: dbo.adres

CREATE TABLE dbo.adres (

 [Column 0]                    varchar(50),

 [Системный номер]             varchar(50),

 [Фамилия]                     varchar(50),

 [Имя]                         varchar(50),

 [Отчество]                    varchar(50),

 [День рождения]               varchar(50),

 [Срок регистрации]            varchar(50),

 [Регистрация или пребывание]  varchar(50),

 [Район]                       varchar(50),

 [Город]                       varchar(50),

 [Село]                        varchar(50),

 [Улица]                       varchar(50),

 [Дом]                         varchar(50),

 [Корпус]                      varchar(50),

 [Квартира]                    varchar(50),

 [ОВД регистрации]             varchar(50),

 [Паспорт серия]               varchar(50),

 [Паспорт номер]               varchar(50),

 [ОВД выдачи]                  varchar(50),

 [Дата выдачи]                 varchar(50),

 [Смена фамилии]               varchar(50),

 [Прочие причины]              varchar(50),

 [Дата изменения записи]       varchar(50),

 [Дата прописки]               varchar(50),

 [Вид адресного листка]        varchar(50),

 [Column 25]                   varchar(50)



Microsoft data provider get all fields as is e.g. CP1251 it is wrong,

convert to UTF-8 and it is true.

2) I wrote framework for developing banking application. In realization

and MS provider i found many difference:

a) Freetds provider does not allow the use of attributes as: 


b) Freetds provider does not allow use beginTransaction() in this case

overwrite this functions with selfs SQL framework realisation.

If FreeTDS will available on Windows platform, Windows fan boys know
about this 

problem and write more compatible crossplatform code.

Sorry for offtopic.


I solve subject problem: For compilation php_pdo_bdlib.dll you must

dblib.lib, rename to sybdb.lib and put to build lib directory.

Good luck

[2010-10-21 18:43:23] paj...@php.net

1) is not correct, as far as I remember it does support UTF-8 for fields

For 2), that's why PDO exists or Doctrine.

It is not our decisions to drop it. But I'm not willing to provide
freetds support on Windows. We don't have the resources for that (and
all the support it requires, given the pain it is to use ftds) and
SqlServer guys provide an out of the box driver and are very reactive to
any feature requests.

[2010-10-21 18:38:07] mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com

FreeTDS provider better than driver from Microsoft.


1) Microsoft driver couldn't convert fieldnames to client's encoding.

2) FreeTDS better, because then easier to port Web applications to

Please don't drop this data provider, I and many other open source

ready make donations for continues support.

M$ really sucks.

[2010-10-20 11:32:14] paj...@php.net

It is not something we provide. This data is not available anymore. We
also stoped to support these drivers on Windows in php 5.3 and later.

I would suggest to go with SqlSrv (http://sqlsrvphp.codeplex.com/) on
Windows, it supports PDO as well. Doctrine and many other projects
support it these days.


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