Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53130&edit=1

 ID:                 53130
 User updated by:    manchokapitancho at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        manchokapitancho at gmail dot com
 Summary:            JSON decoded arrays have broken integer keys
 Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            JSON related
 PHP Version:        5.3.3
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

Additionaly, it's not about whether the numeric keys of an object could
be access 

but about that json decoded object converted to array appears (var_dump)
to have 

the numeric keys but they are not accessible. That is an incostistency
no matter 

what the usages of this code are.

Previous Comments:
[2010-10-22 09:14:34] manchokapitancho at gmail dot com

A.Harvey, it seems that you haven't read the bug carefully enough and
set it to 

bogus incorrectly. Please check this code:

$old_array = array (3 => 4, 'test' => 5);

$obj = json_decode (json_encode ($old_array));

$new_array = (array)$obj;

var_dump ($old_array); //outputs:array(2) { [3]=> int(4) ["test"]=>
int(5) }

var_dump ($new_array); //outputs:array(2) { [3]=> int(4) ["test"]=>
int(5) }

var_dump (array_key_exists (3, $old_array)); //outputs:bool(true)

var_dump (array_key_exists (3, $new_array)); //outputs:bool(false) !!!

var_dump ($old_array[3]); //outputs:int(4)

var_dump ($new_array[3]); //outputs:NULL !!!

The bug is obvious!

[2010-10-22 09:01:59] ahar...@php.net

Besides being invalid JSON, that's an object rather than an array.
Object property names generally follow the same rules as variable names,
but can be accessed via braced literals like so:


$obj = json_decode ('{ "3" : "4", "text" : "5" }');

var_dump($obj->{3});       // outputs string(1) "4"

var_dump($obj->{'3'});     // outputs string(1) "4"


Not a bug; closing.

[2010-10-21 14:50:03] manchokapitancho at gmail dot com

JSON decoded arrays have their integer keys broken. They are present in
the array 

but they can be neither accessed nor found through array_key_exists.

Test script:
$obj = json_decode ('{ "3" : "4", "text" : "5" }');

var_dump ($obj);

$arr = (array)$obj;

var_dump ($arr);

var_dump ($arr[3]);

var_dump ($arr["text"]);

var_dump (array_key_exists (3, $arr));

var_dump (array_key_exists ("text", $arr));

Expected result:
object(stdClass)#10 (2) { ["3"]=> string(1) "4" ["text"]=> string(1) "5"

array(2) { ["3"]=> string(1) "4" ["text"]=> string(1) "5" }

string(1) "4"

string(1) "5"



Actual result:
object(stdClass)#10 (2) { ["3"]=> string(1) "4" ["text"]=> string(1) "5"

array(2) { ["3"]=> string(1) "4" ["text"]=> string(1) "5" }


string(1) "5"




Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53130&edit=1

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