Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19974&edit=1

 ID:                 19974
 Updated by:         and...@php.net
 Reported by:        artem at osp dot ru
 Summary:            force close persistent SQL connections
-Status:             Assigned
+Status:             Wont fix
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            MySQL related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:        4.2.3
 Assigned To:        mysql
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Please use mysql_change_user() to reset the connection

Previous Comments:
[2011-01-06 17:20:28] u...@php.net

... don't think we should do anything on it. That magic new function is
mysql_change_user, its called by default with mysqli to clean up
connection, its exported in the mysqli API. People should just move
forward to mysqli.

[2002-10-21 02:53:14] artem at osp dot ru

You can call it function

'mysql_reset_connection' or 'mysql_pclose', as you like.

Of course, the target of this function is close those disadvantages,
which you list.

[2002-10-18 08:46:40] ge...@php.net

When you have a pclose, there is no need for pconnect, you 

can also use mysql_connect.

Currently the problem is, that persistent connections in 

MySQL have some disadvantages/bugs/problems:

- no unset for user variables

- session variables are not restored to global variables

- no unlock for tables

- unselect previous selected database

- temporary tables are not deleted

- ROLLBACK of not commited transactions

- SQL_FOUND_ROWS returns a valid result

currently MySQL AB works on a new api-function 

mysql_reset_connection to fix all these things, so we have 

to wait. Currently there is not enough functionality to 

fix/handle this inside the mysql extension.

[2002-10-18 07:13:16] artem at osp dot ru

>From time to time I need close my SQL connections becose using Lock,
temporary tables, etc. But such code executed rare. 

Can you add new function?


bool mysql_pclose ([bool on_script_exit_or_now=FALSE,[resource

This function will allow easy using locks and temporary tables and do
not loose efficiency.

using this function can be such:




if(rare_case) {

 mysql_pclose(TRUE); # close connect at exit

 mysql_query("create temporary table ....");




or such:




if(rare_case) {

 mysql_query("create temporary table ....");


 mysql_pclose(); # close connect now




Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19974&edit=1

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