Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51879&edit=1

 ID:                 51879
 Updated by:         s...@php.net
 Reported by:        suppakilla at gmail dot com
 Summary:            Add the ability to set the TCP_NODELAY flag for
                     socket streams
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Streams related
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:        Irrelevant
-Assigned To:        
+Assigned To:        johannes
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

So the attached patch should be good now, as you (johannes) said
TCP_NODELAY is used without ifdef [1] already so it should be fine to
use it as is.

Now if I could have php-src karma to commit it myself it'd make my day,
but I guess that's not good enough :)


Previous Comments:
[2011-02-17 20:08:25] s...@php.net

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: add-tcp-nodelay
Revision:   1297969705

[2011-02-17 19:45:59] s...@php.net

So.. I attached a patch, but I have not tested it (can't compile on this
machine) and it's also the first time I touch PHP's sources, so given my
little C experience it may very well be incorrect. But I wanted to show
goodwill. Hopefully someone picks this up and implements this small

[2011-02-17 19:44:16] s...@php.net

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: add-tcp-nodelay
Revision:   1297968256

[2010-05-24 11:57:52] suppakilla at gmail dot com

In relation to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46360 I think it would be

to have the ability to set the TCP_NODELAY flag on socket streams. The

for this feature request are basically the same as of #6360, and it

greatly help with performances under certain circumstances when dealing

chatty network protocols.

The following snippet is an example of how the resulting code might look
like in 

a PHP script:

$opts = array(

    'socket' => array(

        'tcp_nodelay' => false,



$ctx = stream_context_create($opts);

$stream = stream_socket_client($uri, $errno, $errstr, $timeout, $flags,


Daniele Alessandri

[2010-05-21 15:56:33] suppakilla at gmail dot com

In relation to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46360 I think it would be

to have the ability to set the TCP_NODELAY flag on socket streams. The

for this feature request are basically the same as of #6360, and it

greatly help with performances under certain circumstances when dealing

chatty network protocols.

The following snippet is an example of how the resulting code might look
like in 

a PHP script:

$opts = array(

    'socket' => array(

        'tcp_nodelay' => false,



$stream = stream_socket_client($uri, $errno, $errstr, $timeout, $flags,


Daniele Alessandri


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51879&edit=1

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