Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54189&edit=1

 ID:                 54189
 Updated by:         scott...@php.net
 Reported by:        phazei at gmail dot com
 Summary:            foreach changes array values after iterating by
                     reference followed by foreach
-Status:             Open
+Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   RHEL 5.6
 PHP Version:        5.2.17
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

This is on the foreach manual page.

Between the two foreach loops, $value is a reference to the last entry
in the 


When the second loop starts you then start assigning new values to
$value which 

reference the last element of the array.

Previous Comments:
[2011-03-08 08:11:41] phazei at gmail dot com

(I searched through the bug reports and found some foreach pointer
issues, but 

none related to this)

If I simply go through an array with a referenced value like so:

foreach ($array as &$value) {  }

And then go through it again, not referenced, like so:

foreach ($array as $value) {  }

Both times using the same variable $value, then during the second
foreach, the 

second to the last value is actually copied over the last value changing


If I simply use $value2 there is no issue.

Test script:
$array = array('aaaaa','bbbbb','ccccc','ddddd','eeeee');

echo '1) '.print_r($array, true).'<br>';

foreach ($array as &$value) {  }

echo '2) '.print_r($array, true).'<br> 3) ';

foreach ($array as $key => $value) { echo "[$key] => $value "; }

echo '<br> 4) '.print_r($array, true).'<br>';

Expected result:
1) Array ( [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] =>
eeeee ) 

2) Array ( [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] =>
eeeee ) 

3) [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] => eeeee 

4) Array ( [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] =>
eeeee ) 

Actual result:
1) Array ( [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] =>
eeeee ) 

2) Array ( [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] =>
eeeee ) 

3) [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] => ddddd 

4) Array ( [0] => aaaaa [1] => bbbbb [2] => ccccc [3] => ddddd [4] =>
ddddd ) 


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54189&edit=1

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