Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=32734&edit=1

 ID:                 32734
 Comment by:         rasmus at mindplay dot dk
 Reported by:        php at koterov dot ru
 Summary:            Support for #line pragma, as in C and Perl
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Feature/Change Request
 Operating System:   all
 PHP Version:        5.0.4
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

This feature is badly lacking to support many good, modern patterns,
which could broaden the scope and use of PHP in general. View-engines as
mentioned, but not least aspect-oriented programming, code generation
and meta-programming in general, and cross-language-compilation from
other languages.

Microsoft's C# compiler has an implementation of this feature that could
be referenced:


I would propose extending the existing syntax for execution directives,
as implemented by the declare keyword:


It might looks like this:

  // start of file




  declare(source='test.c#30') {




  // end of file

Consistent with the way declare otherwise works - the first
declare-statement in this example changes the error-reporting for all of
the following statements in that file, while the second
declare-statement changes the error reporting within the brackets.

I think this idea should be taken into serious consideration, as it has
the potential to open up the world of PHP to entirely new forms of

Previous Comments:
[2005-04-17 08:47:01] php at koterov dot ru

C, C++ and Perl support the folowing feature:

// start of file

#line 20 "test.c"


#line 30 "test.c"


// end of file

If error is generated into code "something", it is reported as error "in
test.c on line 20" - NOT on line 3! For code "other" - "in test.c on
line 30". The same Perl code example:

### start of file

#line 20 "test.c"

warn "something";

#line 30 "test.c"

warn "other";

### end of file

Result is:

something at test.c line 20.

other at test.c line 30.

Unfortunately PHP does not support this useful feature, and because of
that any template engines with pre-compilation (e.g. Smarty) make the
life not so pleasant as it could be.

Do you plan to add #line feature in future versions of PHP? Programmers
need it very much!


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=32734&edit=1

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