Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55103&edit=1

 ID:                 55103
 Updated by:         ahar...@php.net
 Reported by:        imaggens at gmail dot com
 Summary:            Interfaces avoids Classes to exist
-Status:             Feedback
+Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Class/Object related
 Operating System:   Windows 7
 PHP Version:        5.3.6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

Previous Comments:
[2011-07-02 10:11:05] imaggens at gmail dot com

Sorry about the code, it was my mistake.

The correct code for Code Sample #2 is: http://codepad.org/eIUJWp56

And as requested, the code of other file:


require_once 'Test.php';

try {
    $first = new Test\First;
} catch( Exception $e ) {
    echo $e -> getMessage();


I tried without the try...catch() and with it and, in both cases the error 

[2011-07-01 16:26:46] f...@php.net

It seems to me your 2 code samples are identical, just one has output attached.
Where's the interface?

Please provide a *complete* sample, i.e. if your including one file make clear 
what's in both files, the one having a call to "require" and the one being 

[2011-07-01 10:07:08] imaggens at gmail dot com

First at all, one consideration about one of the informations provided in this 
form is the PHP version. I'm not using 5.3.6. I'm using 5.3.3, which is not 
listed. I f I chose "earlier", the form won't submit.

I can be wrong, but I think this bug is not fixed in newer versions, because 
it's not a very common use.

The whole thing is, when interfaces and classes are in the same namespace AND 
in same file, the 'implements' breaks the execution of the 'extends'. See Code 

As expected I can see "Message from Second Class", without quotes.

But if I add a interface (see Code #2) I get a Fatal Error: "Class 'Test\Zero' 
not found", when it could be expected the same result as before.

But why this is important, if the best practices are to develop by following an 
organized structure, with each class/interface in its own file?

The thing is, when DEVELOPING, this kind of organization is very useful, but if 
the code produced during development stage is a little library, if all the 
classes and interfaces are coded in one single file, only one call to 
require_once is needed, and the code execution is three times faster than when 
using an autoloader resource.

Note about CodePad's codes: I'd only saved the lines of code in this site, they 
don't work from it, due PHP versions. But all the tests I made was in machine 
with the configurations posted.

Test script:
[ Code #1 ]


[ Code #2 ]


Expected result:
As said in Bug's Description, "Message from Second Class", witout quotes.

Actual result:
With the first code, I can see the expected result.

With the second code, as I said, I see a Fatal Error. If the stack traces 
helps, here is it:

Fatal error: Class 'Test\Test\Zero' not found in C:\root\Test\Library.php on 
line 5
Call Stack
#       Time    Memory  Function        Location
1       0.0004  326896  {main}( )       ..\index.php:0
2       0.0018  334024  require_once( 'C:\root\Test\Framework.php' )    
Dump $_GET
Dump $_POST


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55103&edit=1

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