Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54488&edit=1

 ID:                 54488
 Updated by:         f...@php.net
 Reported by:        dbetz at df dot eu
 Summary:            SIGSEGV in zend_assign_to_variable
-Status:             Assigned
+Status:             Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            FPM related
 Operating System:   Gentoo
 PHP Version:        5.3.6
 Assigned To:        fat
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

I'm sorry to bother you again. Can you please give us the apache configuration 
a phpinfo() output ?


Previous Comments:
[2011-07-06 01:58:43] dbetz at df dot eu

Oh sorry,

here the configure options:

./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
--enable-debug \
--with-mysqli \
--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php53-fpm \
--with-openssl \
--with-gd \
--with-t1lib \
--enable-ftp \
--enable-calendar \
--with-libxml-dir \
--with-jpeg-dir=../jpeg-6b/ \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib \
--with-gettext \
--with-zlib-dir=../zlib-1.1.3/ \
--with-png-dir=../libpng-1.0.6/ \
--with-gdbm \
--with-ndbm \
--enable-dba \
--with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2007e \
--with-imap-ssl=/usr/local/imap-2007e \
--enable-wddx \
--enable-bcmath \
--enable-exif \
--with-curl \
--enable-inline-optimization \
--with-gnu-ld \
--with-zlib \
--with-mcrypt \
--enable-wddx \
--with-mhash \
--with-pgsql \
--enable-sockets \
--with-tidy \
--with-xmlrpc \
--enable-zip \
--with-bz2 \
--with-pdo-mysql=/usr \
--with-iconv \
--enable-soap \
--with-ldap \
--with-xsl \
--with-t1lib \
--enable-fpm \

[2011-07-05 17:24:59] f...@php.net

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

can you please provide the configure options you used to compile PHP please ?

++ jerome

[2011-07-04 02:20:26] dbetz at df dot eu


the problem ist only in FPM. Running php-cgi works for me.

Thx and greetings

[2011-07-02 12:49:05] f...@php.net

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Is it possible for you to test without FPM (with php-cgi or mod_php for apache) 
please ?

I'd like to first ensure the bug is exclusively related to FPM.


[2011-04-15 10:36:04] dbetz at df dot eu


here are some more infos

it seems **variable_ptr_ptr is empty

(gdb) print variable_ptr_ptr
$6 = (zval **) 0x9289bb4
(gdb) print *variable_ptr_ptr
$7 = (zval *) 0x5a5a5a5a
(gdb) print **variable_ptr_ptr
Cannot access memory at address 0x5a5a5a5a

(gdb) print opline
$1 = (zend_op *) 0x926d958
(gdb) print *opline
$2 = {handler = 0x865abb8 <ZEND_ASSIGN_SPEC_CV_VAR_HANDLER>, result = {op_type 
= 4, u = {constant = {value = {lval = 660,
          dval = 3.2608332625522272e-321, str = {val = 0x294 <Address 0x294 out 
of bounds>, len = 0}, ht = 0x294, obj = {handle = 660, handlers = 0x0}},
        refcount__gc = 0, type = 0 '\000', is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, var = 660, 
opline_num = 660, op_array = 0x294, jmp_addr = 0x294, EA = {var = 660,
        type = 0}}}, op1 = {op_type = 16, u = {constant = {value = {lval = 0, 
dval = 3.3951932655444357e-313, str = {val = 0x0, len = 16}, ht = 0x0,
          obj = {handle = 0, handlers = 0x10}}, refcount__gc = 1, type = 6 
'\006', is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, var = 0, opline_num = 0, op_array = 0x0,
      jmp_addr = 0x0, EA = {var = 0, type = 16}}}, op2 = {op_type = 4, u = 
{constant = {value = {lval = 640, dval = 1.6975966643924192e-313, str = {
            val = 0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, len = 8}, ht = 0x280, 
obj = {handle = 640, handlers = 0x8}}, refcount__gc = 0, type = 0 '\000',
        is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, var = 640, opline_num = 640, op_array = 0x280, 
jmp_addr = 0x280, EA = {var = 640, type = 8}}}, extended_value = 0,
  lineno = 403, opcode = 38 '&'}
(gdb) print opline->op2
$3 = {op_type = 4, u = {constant = {value = {lval = 640, dval = 
1.6975966643924192e-313, str = {val = 0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, len 
= 8},
        ht = 0x280, obj = {handle = 640, handlers = 0x8}}, refcount__gc = 0, 
type = 0 '\000', is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, var = 640, opline_num = 640,
    op_array = 0x280, jmp_addr = 0x280, EA = {var = 640, type = 8}}}
(gdb) print &opline->op1
$8 = (struct _znode *) 0x926d970
(gdb) print opline->op1
$9 = {op_type = 16, u = {constant = {value = {lval = 0, dval = 
3.3951932655444357e-313, str = {val = 0x0, len = 16}, ht = 0x0, obj = {handle = 
          handlers = 0x10}}, refcount__gc = 1, type = 6 '\006', is_ref__gc = 0 
'\000'}, var = 0, opline_num = 0, op_array = 0x0, jmp_addr = 0x0, EA = {
      var = 0, type = 16}}}
(gdb) print (&opline->op1)->u.var
$13 = 0
(gdb) print (&opline->op1)->u
$14 = {constant = {value = {lval = 0, dval = 3.3951932655444357e-313, str = 
{val = 0x0, len = 16}, ht = 0x0, obj = {handle = 0, handlers = 0x10}},
    refcount__gc = 1, type = 6 '\006', is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, var = 0, 
opline_num = 0, op_array = 0x0, jmp_addr = 0x0, EA = {var = 0, type = 16}}


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54488&edit=1

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