Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55218&edit=1

 ID:                 55218
 Comment by:         lonnyk at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        jerikojerk at gmail dot com
 Summary:            missing a way to know if namespace was declared on
                     current node
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            SimpleXML related
 Operating System:   ubuntu
 PHP Version:        5.3SVN-2011-07-16 (snap)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

I modified the definition of getDocNamespaces to be:

public array SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces ([ bool $recursive = false [, 
bool $from_root = true ] ] )

If the second param is set to true then the method performs exactly as it does 
now. If it is set to false it performs as requested.

I choose to modify the method instead of creating a new one because I feel this 
is more of a configuration option for the same functionality. If anyone has a 
different opinion please let me know.

Previous Comments:
[2011-07-16 18:45:43] jerikojerk at gmail dot com

>From manual page: 

There is no way to know when you're on a SimpleXMLElement, if there were a new 
namespace declared on current node. 

It's due to getDocNamespaces or getNamespaces returning xmlns status for all 
the document or document root only.

It's conform to what is described in the documentation but as user we may 
expect a different behavior.

Test script:

$x = new SimpleXMLElement(
'<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<people xmlns:p="http://example.org/p"; >
    <person id="1" xmlns:t="http://example.org/t"; >
                <name>John Doe</name>
    <person id="2">Susie Q. Public</person>
                <div>jdslkfjsldk jskdfjsmlkjfkldjkjflskj kljfslkjf sldk</div>
//echo '<pre>',$x->asXML(),'</pre>';
echo "\n<br>recursive: <br>\n";
//$tmp = $x->getNamespaces(true) ;
$tmp = $x->getDocNamespaces(true) ;
echo "\n<br>\n";
//$tmp = $x->person[0]->getNamespaces(true) ;
$tmp = $x->person[0]->getDocNamespaces(true) ;
echo "\n<br>\n";
//$tmp = $x->person[1]->getNamespaces(true) ;
$tmp = $x->person[1]->getDocNamespaces(true) ;
echo "\n<br>non recursive: <br>\n";
//$tmp = $x->getNamespaces(false) ;
$tmp = $x->getDocNamespaces(false) ;
echo "\n<br>\n";
//$tmp = $x->person[0]->getNamespaces(false) ;
$tmp = $x->person[0]->getDocNamespaces(false) ;
echo "\n<br>\n";
//$tmp = $x->person[1]->getNamespaces(false) ;
$tmp = $x->person[1]->getDocNamespaces(false) ;

Expected result:
if we were able to provide namespace declare only on current node instead of 
root node, the function will provide the following result

array(2) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; ["t"]=> string(20) 
"http://example.org/t"; }
array(1) { ["t"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/t"; }
array(0) {  }
non recursive:
array(1) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; }
array(1) { ["t"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/t"; }
array(0) {  } 

Actual result:
array(2) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; ["t"]=> string(20) 
"http://example.org/t"; }
array(2) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; ["t"]=> string(20) 
"http://example.org/t"; }
array(2) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; ["t"]=> string(20) 
"http://example.org/t"; }
non recursive:
array(1) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; }
array(1) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; }
array(1) { ["p"]=> string(20) "http://example.org/p"; } 


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55218&edit=1

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