Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52376&edit=1

 ID:                 52376
 Comment by:         marc dot seitz at ww-informatik dot de
 Reported by:        ryan at kisc dot edu dot np
 Summary:            opendir() cannot open UNC paths in IIS7 using
                     passthrough auth.
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *Directory/Filesystem functions
 Operating System:   win64 - W2008R2
 PHP Version:        5.3.2
 Assigned To:        pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Hi Guys,

we have exactly the same problem now.
We want to migrate to Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5, FastCGI, PHP 5.3.6.

When I try to do a file_get_contents(<UNC-PATH>) or opendir(<UNC-PATH>) I 
always will get the error:
Warning: fopen(<UNC-PATH-TO-FILE>): failed to open stream: Permission denied in 
D:\inetpub\wwwroot\XXX.php on line 26

The Application-Pools of the IIS are running under a Domain-Account which has 
access to the Network Share.

I don't know how to solve this problem.

Any ideas of you?


Previous Comments:
[2011-01-13 04:24:50] mark at internode dot on dot net

Hi I am having the same problem with PHP 5.3.5 running under IIS 7.5, FastCGI, 
Windows Server 2008 R2 where I am simply trying to access a file on another 
server using a UNC path.

$uploadfile = "\\<server>\<share>\<folder>\<file>.txt";
$fh = fopen($uploadfile, 'r') or die("Can't open file $uploadfile");

I have tried granting "everyone" full permissions for the share and the file 
system but it still does not work.

This code works perfectly if the file is stored on the same server and is 
accessed through a local path.

Other things I have tried inlcude:
- setting the defaultappool to use a specific user and granting that user 
permissions on the share and file system
- using "network" as above

Any other ideas on this one?

[2010-07-20 04:42:43] ahar...@php.net

(Restoring status.)

As a fellow Chrome user, I feel your pain. :)

[2010-07-20 04:08:58] ryan at kisc dot edu dot np

sorry about the line breaks, apparently this site doesn't like what Chrome does 
when I resize the text box. I'll be more careful in the future. Actually this 
site seems to hate Chrome altogether. 
I keep getting "incorrect username" constantly. The bug site is buggy, at least 
in Chrome.

[2010-07-20 04:04:31] ryan at kisc dot edu dot np

Well, that allows me to browse to the folder via chrome and essentially does 
same thing as the 
workaround from #50542 but only on the one folder which could work. What it 
not appear to do 
is give me programmatic access to the folder. The instructions in that KB are 
outdated as it uses 
adsutil.vbs and the setting is the same as the "Physical Path Credentials" from 
the IIS manager. 
This could work, in a much less than ideal way, if there is some way to run 
"opendir" on the 
virtual directory without specifying the unc path (since the UNC path itself 
still does not work). 
I could just be unaware of how, since it seems to use the system paths and not 
honor or even 
acknowledge virtual directories. I tried lots of different formats against my 
better judgement but 
none worked. I even tried using the http path reference. Still no joy. I've 
PHP since 1998 but 
realize something could have changed at any one of the releases, however I'm 
sure I see how a 
virtual directory could solve the ability to use opendir. Fair enough if this 
was just a try. I'm 
happy to keep trying if it can help the community. This worked fabulously in 
IIS6. I also confess 
that it appears to be Microsoft's fault. Very frustrating.

I wonder if I can create a symbolic link equivalent. I've done this before in 
older versions of 
windows, but I don't think I've ever done it to a network share. In my case I 
may be able to just 
move the share to the IIS server and be done with it, but I'm willing to stick 
this out if it will 
help find a solution to this issue.

[2010-07-19 23:50:21] paj...@php.net

Can you try to follow the advice here please:



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