Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55554&edit=1

 ID:                 55554
 Comment by:         g...@php.net
 Reported by:        ryan at zuttonet dot com
 Summary:            Trait methods overriding legacy constructors
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *Programming Data Structures
 Operating System:   Ubuntu
 PHP Version:        5.4.0alpha3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Hi Ryan:

I am sorry, I don't think I understand what inconsistency you are pointing out.
Could you elaborate on the problem?

(And please include the code you are referring to directly here. Just to make 
easier for me 
to know that we are talking about exactly the same code.)

What I understand is you want to provide the constructor with a trait, right?

Like this:


trait MyTrait {
    public function constructor() {
        echo "Foo\n";

class MyClass {
        use MyTrait {
            constructor as __construct;

class MyClass2 {
        use MyTrait {
            constructor as MyClass2;

echo "MyClass constructor: ";
$o = new MyClass;   // echos Foo

echo "\nMyClass2 constructor: ";
$o = new MyClass2;  // doesn't echo Foo
echo "\n";

The problem I see here is that for MyClass2 the constructor does not actually 
get registered 
as a constructor but just as a normal method.
That seems to be an inconsistency that needs to be fixed.

Ok, now to the new vs. legacy constructors:

class Bar {
    function Bar() {
        echo "BarBar new ctor\n";
    function __construct() {
        echo "Bar new ctor\n";

$o = new Bar;

Switching the order of the definition of the constructors doesn't influence the 
__construct always wins.

Both your examples behaves identical to the situation if the __construct would 
have been 
defined directly in the class. So, where is the problem here?
It is not an inconsistency with how PHP behaves without traits, from what I can 

Ah, and please try the latest code in the SVN, I am not exactly sure whether I 
anything that could be related to that between alpha3 and now. But I doubt it.


Previous Comments:
[2011-08-31 15:52:43] ryan at zuttonet dot com

Apologies; the literal expected output for the provided test scripts should be:

"this is a constructor"

As this is the output when using __construct() in the class definition instead 
a legacy-style constructor.

[2011-08-31 15:49:30] ryan at zuttonet dot com

For the sake of consistency, exactly one of the following should be implemented:

1. Trait methods should be able to override __construct definitions
2. Trait methods should not be able to override legacy constructor definitions

Currently, trait methods are not able to override __construct 
definitions. Trait methods are able to override legacy constructor definitions.

Test script:
Here are two test cases that will reproduce the defect:


Expected result:
A trait-level __construct method (or a trait-level method aliased as 
should not be able to override any type of constructor in a class

Actual result:
Fatal error: Call to private SomeClass::__construct() from invalid context


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55554&edit=1

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