Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55712&edit=1
ID: 55712 Updated by: paj...@php.net Reported by: ken at simplecommerce dot com Summary: FastCGI causes event 1000 application error when using number_format(0) -Status: Assigned +Status: Feedback Type: Bug Package: IIS related Operating System: Windows server 2008 R2 PHP Version: 5.3.8 Assigned To: mattficken Block user comment: N Private report: N New Comment: hi, We cannot reproduce this crash in any way. Using round(0) or number_format, using 0 or any other kind of random values. Please provide a self contained script (aka no DB usage, but only using number_format and round) to reproduce this crash. Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2011-10-18 21:42:55] ken at simplecommerce dot com Any update on this issue? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2011-09-25 21:37:56] paj...@php.net Matt, please take the hand here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2011-09-25 21:31:58] ken at simplecommerce dot com Here is an update. We made our own function to bypass number_format. We found another error which causes php fastcgi to crash. round(0). I am assuming that number_format uses round? So we are bypassing round for the moment to see if we encounter any other problems. But right now both number_format and round 0 crashes. I hope you guys are aware of this or are testing this also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2011-09-23 11:23:09] ken at simplecommerce dot com Ok so we had a local expert go through the debugging and see if he could find anything wrong with our setup, and from what he tells me, it really is number_format(0) that seems to crash the IIS7/FastCGI server with a 500 error. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2011-09-18 17:57:19] ken at simplecommerce dot com I have used Debug Diag 1.2 to create a crash hang report on the php-cgi.exe process. Here is the result I have got from the analysis. If it can help figure out if this is indeed a bug or it's something else. I am trying to narrow it down to get a possible fix. http://www.mediafire.com/?ezxjt68v0axozif ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55712 -- Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55712&edit=1