Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52144&edit=1

 ID:                 52144
 Comment by:         peters at yandex dot ru
 Reported by:        taco at procurios dot nl
 Summary:            Error: Base lambda function for closure not found
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   linux
 PHP Version:        5.3.2
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

We have spend many hours trying to reproduce this bug in our production 
environment and analyzing apc source code. There is more then one way to get 
this error in production, but in many cases you need to use load testing 
software or something to reproduce the bug.
Here is the simple example that reproduces this bug. It is not the case in 
production systems but it is easy to reproduce and adresses absolutely the same 
problem. The root of the problem was explained here by s dot chernomorets at 
gmail dot com.

You should create 3 scripts and put them in a directory under document root.
Then make request to script1.php and click the link (or make request to 

function() {}
ini_set('apc.cache_by_default', 0);
ini_set('apc.cache_by_default', 1);
<a href="script2.php">CLICK TO REPRODUCE ERROR</a>
include 'lambda_function.php';

Previous Comments:
[2011-10-20 14:05:02] s dot chernomorets at gmail dot com

It seems option apc.write_lock=Off solves this problem partially.

We have config with closure in style "<?php return array( ...., function() 
{...}, ... ); 
and include (not include_once) it seceral time per request.

1. If apc_cache_write_lock(apc_cache TSRMLS_CC) (apc_main.c:602) was
unsuccessful at first include() then APC return old_compile_file. Function
old_compile_file store compiled closures into internal zend hash function_table 
not to cache. 

2. If apc_cache_write_lock(apc_cache TSRMLS_CC) was successful at second
include() then APC try to store opcode (apc_main.c:610-617), but function
apc_copy_new_functions(apc_compile.c:1333,1340-1343) not found new functions
(our closures) because zend hash function_table contains this closures already
(closures were compiled at first include()). So APC copy compiled array from 
file to cache without closures.

3. php-code try to call closure -> "Base lambda function for closure not found"

[2011-08-12 06:32:46] hchinchilla at habitissimo dot com

We are having the same problem here at Habitissimo. using debian with PHP 5.3.6 
and APC 3.1.9. We had to replace APC with xcache to avoid this problem.

[2011-07-21 17:07:42] aequasi at gmail dot com

Has this problem been resolved yet? having the same issues when i implement APC 
with symfony2

[2011-06-06 20:04:24] nicolas at netlog dot com

Hi there,

We're experiencing the same problem here at Netlog. Also on production servers 
when we have some load. Unable to isolate this issue yet. We're running php 
and apc 3.1.9. If we disable APC the problem goes away.

Any clues here?

[2010-11-05 08:27:47] janne dot hietamaki at gmail dot com

Updated to APC 3.1.5 and the problem still persists.


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52144&edit=1

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