Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30195&edit=1

 ID:                 30195
 Comment by:         martin dot keckeis1 at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        percy at savant dot us
 Summary:            scandir etc cannot read Chinese file/folder name
 Status:             No Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *Directory/Filesystem functions
 Operating System:   windows xp/2003
 PHP Version:        5CVS-2004-09-22 (dev)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Its a problem in PHP general.

This could have been solved with PHP 6.0 (general multibyte support).

There are some workarounds in the internet with the windows console.

Previous Comments:
[2011-06-07 00:08:23] spidgorny at gmail dot com

Same problem (files with question marks) with Russian files in PHP 5.3.0 on 
Windows 7.
mb_convert_encoding() can't help converting question marks.
Maybe DirectoryIterator will help.

[2010-08-29 18:13:24] onekamil at gmail dot com

Hi, have the same problem and my solution is: using mb_convert_encoding.

$open = opendir($path);
foreach( $open as $value ) 
   $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, mb_detect_order($value), "UTF-8");

If saving file to folder using urlencode. To view using urldecode.

[2007-03-31 23:30:05] missingno at ifrance dot com

Same problem here.

On WinXP with PHP 5.2.0, using iso-8859-1 as charset for the system (though the 
filesystem uses utf-8 for folders/files names).

I need to access folders whose names are encoded using UTF-8.
readdir/scandir won't allow me to do so (returning '?' for characters outside 
the system charset).

The page is served like this:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
So the browser really isn't at fault.
Serving the document with a more specific charset is not an option since I have 
to display texts in many different languages on the page.

As moleary at preg dot org suggested, it would be really nice to have an option 
to force PHP to use a certain encoding while accessing the filesystem. Or 
maybe, make it so that it uses the same encoding as the filesystem instead of 
defaulting to iso-8859-1...

[2006-07-10 10:02:31] gandhavallakiran at yahoo dot co dot in

hi i have used the babel class in my coding of php. but it could not read the 
characters of china and japan i.e. special characters. it is displaying the 
blank space instead of china or  japan text. could you help me in this reacord 
how to display china characters in php. please it is very urgent kindly help me.

[2005-02-25 01:00:07] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30195&edit=1

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