Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60310&edit=1

 ID:                 60310
 User updated by:    dkelsey at bstage dot ca
 Reported by:        dkelsey at bstage dot ca
 Summary:            UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 conversion of a string segfaults
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            ICONV related
 Operating System:   Solaris 10
 PHP Version:        5.3.8
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Whether I use $text = utf8_encode("Dave Kelsey"); or not makes no difference

Previous Comments:
[2011-11-15 21:48:07] dkelsey at bstage dot ca

using iconv() within a php script segfaults when converting a UTF-8 string to 

I downloaded and compiled gnu libiconv-1.14 into /opt/local

My php configure 

./configure  '--prefix=/opt/bstage/php5.3.8' \
        '--with-apxs2=/opt/bstage/apache2.2.21-php/bin/apxs' \
        '--enable-bcmath' \
        '--enable-mbstring' \
        '--with-zlib' \
        '--with-config-file-path=/opt/bstage/php5.3.8/lib' \
        '--with-xsl' \
        '--with-xmlrpc' \
        '--with-regex=system' \
        '--without-sqlite' \
        '--disable-posix' \
        '--enable-dom' \
        '--disable-pdo' \
        '--enable-xml' \
        '--with-libxml-dir=/opt/local' \
        '--enable-ipv6' \
        '--host=i386-sun-solaris2' \
        '--mandir=/opt/local/man' \
        '--with-gd' \
        '--with-mysql=/opt/mysql-5.5.8-solaris10-i386' \
        '--with-mysqli=/opt/mysql-5.5.8-solaris10-i386/bin/mysql_config' \
        '--with-curl=/opt/local' \

ldd php
        libexslt.so.0 =>         /usr/lib/libexslt.so.0
        libresolv.so.2 =>        /lib/libresolv.so.2
        libmysqlclient.so.16 =>  
        libiconv.so.2 =>         /opt/local/lib/libiconv.so.2
        libpng12.so.0 =>         /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0
        libz.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libz.so.1
        librt.so.1 =>    /lib/librt.so.1
        libm.so.2 =>     /lib/libm.so.2
        libnsl.so.1 =>   /lib/libnsl.so.1
        libsocket.so.1 =>        /lib/libsocket.so.1
        libxml2.so.2 =>  /usr/lib/libxml2.so.2
        libcurl.so.4 =>  /opt/local/lib/libcurl.so.4
        libssl.so.0.9.7 =>       /usr/sfw/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7
        libcrypto.so.0.9.7 =>    /usr/sfw/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7
        libldap.so.5 =>  /usr/lib/libldap.so.5
        libdl.so.1 =>    /lib/libdl.so.1
        libthread.so.1 =>        /lib/libthread.so.1
        libxslt.so.1 =>  /usr/lib/libxslt.so.1
        libc.so.1 =>     /lib/libc.so.1
        libpthread.so.1 =>       /lib/libpthread.so.1
        libgcc_s.so.1 =>         /usr/sfw/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
        libaio.so.1 =>   /lib/libaio.so.1
        libmd.so.1 =>    /lib/libmd.so.1
        libmp.so.2 =>    /lib/libmp.so.2
        libscf.so.1 =>   /lib/libscf.so.1
        libsasl.so.1 =>  /usr/lib/libsasl.so.1
        libnspr4.so =>   /usr/lib/mps/libnspr4.so
        libplc4.so =>    /usr/lib/mps/libplc4.so
        libnss3.so =>    /usr/lib/mps/libnss3.so
        libssl3.so =>    /usr/lib/mps/libssl3.so
        libdoor.so.1 =>  /lib/libdoor.so.1
        libuutil.so.1 =>         /lib/libuutil.so.1
        libgen.so.1 =>   /lib/libgen.so.1
        libsoftokn3.so =>        /usr/lib/mps/libsoftokn3.so
        libplds4.so =>   /usr/lib/mps/libplds4.so
        libbsm.so.1 =>   /lib/libbsm.so.1
        libsecdb.so.1 =>         /lib/libsecdb.so.1
        libtsol.so.2 =>  /lib/libtsol.so.2
        libcmd.so.1 =>   /lib/libcmd.so.1
        libssl_extra.so.0.9.7 =>         /usr/sfw/lib/libssl_extra.so.0.9.7
        libcrypto_extra.so.0.9.7 =>      /usr/sfw/lib/libcrypto_extra.so.0.9.7

I've used truss and gdb and get a segfault.

Test script:
$text = utf8_encode("Dave Kelsey");
$text = "Dave Kelsey";
echo 'Original : ', $text, PHP_EOL;
echo 'Plain    : ', iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", $text), PHP_EOL;

Expected result:
Original : Dave Kelsey
Plain    : Dave Kelsey

Actual result:
./php -ef iconv.php
Original : Dave Kelsey
Plain    : Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

Note: the parsing of the string takes about 3-4 seconds?

gdb ./php -c core
GNU gdb 6.8
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-pc-solaris2.9"...
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libexslt.so.0...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libexslt.so.0
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libgcrypt.so.11...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libgcrypt.so.11
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libgpg-error.so.0...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libgpg-error.so.0
Reading symbols from /lib/libsocket.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libsocket.so.1
Reading symbols from /lib/libnsl.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libnsl.so.1
Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.2...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/libresolv.so.2...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libresolv.so.2
Reading symbols from /opt/mysql/mysql-5.5.16/lib/libmysqlclient.so.18...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/mysql/mysql-5.5.16//lib/libmysqlclient.so.18
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libfreetype.so.6...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libfreetype.so.6
Reading symbols from /opt/local/usr/local/lib/libpng12.so.0...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/usr/local/lib/libpng12.so.0
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.so.8...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.so.8
Reading symbols from /lib/librt.so.1...
warning: Lowest section in /lib/librt.so.1 is .dynamic at 00000074
Loaded symbols for /lib/librt.so.1
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libcurl.so.4...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libcurl.so.4
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libidn.so.11...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libidn.so.11
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libintl.so.3...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libintl.so.3
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.1
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libssh2.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libssh2.so.1
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
Reading symbols from /lib/libthread.so.1...
warning: Lowest section in /lib/libthread.so.1 is .dynamic at 00000074
Loaded symbols for /lib/libthread.so.1
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libxslt.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libxslt.so.1
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libxml2.so.2...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libxml2.so.2
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libz.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libz.so.1
Reading symbols from /opt/local/lib/libiconv.so.2...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/local/lib/libiconv.so.2
Reading symbols from /opt/gcc/lib/libgcc_s.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /opt/gcc/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libm.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libm.so.1
Reading symbols from /lib/libdl.so.1...
warning: Lowest section in /lib/libdl.so.1 is .dynamic at 00000074
Loaded symbols for /lib/libdl.so.1
Reading symbols from 
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/locale/en_US.ISO8859-1/en_US.ISO8859-1.so.3
Reading symbols from /lib/ld.so.1...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/ld.so.1
Core was generated by `./php -ef iconv.php'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
[New process 79440    ]
#0  0xec835356 in ?? ()
(gdb)  bt full

#0  0xec835356 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0xfe5068ab in iconv () from /lib/libc.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x081f7a91 in php_iconv_string (in_p=0x889aab0 "Dave Kelsey", in_len=11, 
out=0x8046fc0, out_len=0x8046fc4, out_charset=0x889ab58 "ISO-8859-1",
    in_charset=0x889ab48 "UTF-8") at 
        cd = (libiconv_t) 0x8a12670
        in_left = 11
        out_size = 134508456
        out_left = 43
        out_p = 0x889ab88 "\200«\211\b\200«\211\bÔ×\210\b"
        out_buf = 0x889ab88 "\200«\211\b\200«\211\bÔ×\210\b"
        bsz = 43
        result = 143239192
        retval = PHP_ICONV_ERR_SUCCESS
#3  0x081faa54 in php_if_iconv (ht=3, return_value=0x889ab6c, 
return_value_ptr=0x0, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1)
    at /root/downloads/php/php-5.3.8/ext/iconv/iconv.c:2327
        in_charset = 0x889ab48 "UTF-8"
        out_charset = 0x889ab58 "ISO-8859-1"
        in_buffer = 0x889aab0 "Dave Kelsey"
        out_buffer = 0x0
        out_len = 0
        in_charset_len = 5
        out_charset_len = 10
        in_buffer_len = 11
        err = 4261726858
#4  0x083991e6 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x8a128a0) at 
        opline = (zend_op *) 0x889a818
        should_change_scope = 0 '\0'
#5  0x08398241 in execute (op_array=0x889a0a0) at 
        ret = -33240438
        execute_data = (zend_execute_data *) 0x8a128a0
        nested = 1 '\001'
        original_in_execution = 0 '\0'
#6  0x08377dc1 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0, file_count=3) at 
        files = 0x8047164 ""
        i = 1
        file_handle = (zend_file_handle *) 0x8047c34
        orig_op_array = (zend_op_array *) 0x0
        orig_retval_ptr_ptr = (zval **) 0x0
#7  0x08328d93 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0x8047c34) at 
        __orig_bailout = (sigjmp_buf *) 0x8047a24
        __bailout = {6, 0, 2, -28186266, 143236960, 2, 124026880, 10485760, 0, 
451, 144637952, -27328437, 134479947, 134511140, 143169632, 134510648,
  134508896, 142788536, 0, 0, 134509984, 0, 0, 137530443, 67, 0, 134508896, 
134479947, -27314224, 143236784, 134510136, 137625212, 134510176, -27873851, 0,
  142788536, -27314224, 142480623, 134510392, 137358624, -27314224, 142484396, 
134510224, 142480623, 134510336, -16797368, -16797380, 212116, 17,
  143236012, 3, -16795644, 134510224, 4, -27314224, 137728298, 0, 2, 143185368, 
142788536, 79691777, 0, 0, -28264130, -1451536758, -27328512, -27298104,
  -28267682, -27324200, 0, 0, -27873640, 32, -27328512, 134510344, -27895262, 
-27324200, 0, 1319653082, -27895702, 143448376, -27328512, 134510344,
  -34002432, -27324200, 0, -27298104, 7, 144748440, -27328512, 134510376, 
-28267395, -27324200, -27328512, 134510424, -28267454, 143448376, 7, 143448376,
  137898921, 144748440, 134510544, 32, 7, -1043831655, 145041656, 1177, 
142788536, 0, 7, 134510504, 137728298, 143448376, 144739664, 7, 134510544, 32, 
  2, 0, 144739664, 142542513, 6, 7, 0, 144739664, 143185368, 142788536}
        prepend_file_p = (zend_file_handle *) 0x0
        append_file_p = (zend_file_handle *) 0x0
        prepend_file = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME, filename = 0x0, 
opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 0, fp = 0x0, stream = {handle = 0x0, isatty = 
      mmap = {len = 0, pos = 0, map = 0x0, buf = 0x0, old_handle = 0x0, 
old_closer = 0}, reader = 0, fsizer = 0, closer = 0}}, free_filename = 0 '\0'}
        append_file = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME, filename = 0x0, opened_path 
= 0x0, handle = {fd = 0, fp = 0x0, stream = {handle = 0x0, isatty = 0,
      mmap = {len = 0, pos = 0, map = 0x0, buf = 0x0, old_handle = 0x0, 
old_closer = 0}, reader = 0, fsizer = 0, closer = 0}}, free_filename = 0 '\0'}
        old_cwd_fd = -1
        retval = 0
#8  0x083fbd48 in main (argc=3, argv=0x8047cc4) at 
        __bailout = {6, 0, 134959818, 134955032, 134511236, -16997478, 
124026880, 10485760, 0, 142737859, 134479872, -17039285, -17235893, 43096, -1,
  134511772, 134510656, 142788536, 143169632, 143194129, 134511140, 0, 0, 
138391421, 67, 0, 134510656, -65461, 134511312, 134511572, 134511576, 16, 0,
  134511336, -27873640, -27310912, -27328512, 134511352, -27895262, -27310912, 
0, 134511620, -27895702, 134959818, -17234952, -33423080, -34002432,
  81189587, 3515, 134729512, -27873640, -27310912, -27328512, 134511416, 
-27873851, -34002432, 0, 134511432, -27874005, 134511616, 6401, 134511496, 3,
  134511616, 134511572, 134511576, -16797368, -16797380, -16795644, 134511448, 
-16987850, 3, -16795644, 134511464, -16987912, 3, -16795644, 134511496,
  -16953738, 3, -16795644, 134511496, -16954035, 3, 134511508, -16987912, 0, 
-16796876, -16795644, 134511688, -16920736, -16797368, 0, 2, 0, 142788576, 0,
  0, 40, -16795644, 134959818, -33881832, -33550900, -33516788, 2, 135072476, 
1, 0, -27873640, 1, -27328512, 134511648, -27896958, -33443444, 0, 0,
  -27873640, 1, -27328512, 134511680, -27895262, -33443444, 0, 81189587, 
-27895702, 143081348, -33443992, 134511680}
        exit_status = 0
        c = 134512039
        file_handle = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_MAPPED, filename = 0x8047da6 
"iconv.php", opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 143237716, fp = 0x889a254, 
stream = {
      handle = 0x889a254, isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 202, pos = 0, map = 
0xfdf30000, buf = 0xfdf30000 <Address 0xfdf30000 out of bounds>,
        old_handle = 0xfe5f37e0, old_closer = 0x8389b7c 
<zend_stream_stdio_closer>}, reader = 0x8389b50 <zend_stream_stdio_reader>,
      fsizer = 0x8389bb0 <zend_stream_stdio_fsizer>, closer = 0x8389c14 
<zend_stream_mmap_closer>}}, free_filename = 0 '\0'}
        behavior = 1
        reflection_what = 0x0
        orig_optind = 1
        orig_optarg = 0x0
        arg_free = 0x8047da6 "iconv.php"
        arg_excp = (char **) 0x87ede1e
        script_file = 0x8047da6 "iconv.php"
        interactive = 0
        module_started = 1
        request_started = 1
        lineno = 1
        exec_direct = 0x0
        exec_run = 0x0
        exec_begin = 0x0
        exec_end = 0x0
        param_error = 0x0
        hide_argv = 0
        ini_entries_len = 110


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60310&edit=1

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