Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60277&edit=1

 ID:                 60277
 User updated by:    ash at inode dot me
 Reported by:        ash at inode dot me
 Summary:            User Defined Types handling
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            PDO_IBM
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:        5.3.8
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

This was a false alarm. The queries don't work properly but it likely has 
to do with the driver. Look here for the solution:


Previous Comments:
[2011-11-12 08:32:03] ash at inode dot me

PHP - 5.3.2 latest Ubuntu package, PDO_IBM-1.3.2

Using a PDO object to insert even the simplest UDT produced error. This occurs 
in cases when using PrepareStatements or calling query() directly. Using the 
following tutorial as an example:


Executing the following produces - SQLSTATE[07001]: <<Unknown error>>: -99999 
[IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0100E  Wrong number of parameters. SQLSTATE=07001 
(SQLExecute[-99999] at /usr/share/php/PDO_IBM-1.3.2/ibm_statement.c:986)

$a = 'Some'; $b = 'Person'; $c = '21 Street'; $d = 'Some City'; $e = 'MyState'; 
$f = '10101';
$stmt = $db->prepare("insert into clients (client_lname, client_fname) values 
(:1, :2, address_t() ..street(:3) ..city(:4) ..province(:5) 

The following produces - SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: -104 [IBM][CLI Driver]
$db->query("insert into clients (client_lname, client_fname, address) values 
('Some', 'Person', address_t() ..street($c) ..city($d) ..province($e) 

This works - but if you want to insert LOBs you really have no options:

$db->query("insert into clients (client_lname, client_fname, address) values 
('Some', 'Person', address_t() ..street('". $a ."') ..city('" .$b ."') 
..province('". $c . "') ..postal_code('". $d ."'))");

Test script:
Create $db PDO connection and rung

try {

$a = 'Some'; $b = 'Person'; $c = '21 Street'; $d = 'Some City'; $e = 'MyState'; 
$f = '10101';
$stmt = $db->prepare("insert into clients (client_lname, client_fname) values 
(:1, :2, address_t() ..street(:3) ..city(:4) ..province(:5) 
$db->query("insert into clients (client_lname, client_fname, address) values 
('Some', 'Person', address_t() ..street($c) ..city($d) ..province($e) 

#$db->query("insert into clients (client_lname, client_fname, address) values 
('Some', 'Person', address_t() ..street('". $a ."') ..city('" .$b ."') 
..province('". $c . "') ..postal_code('". $d ."'))");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
print $e->getMessage() . "\n";

Expected result:
Named or unnamed placeholders should be bound properly and inserted.

Actual result:
See errors above


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60277&edit=1

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