Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60341&edit=1

 ID:                 60341
 Comment by:         morrison dot levi at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        morrison dot levi at gmail dot com
 Summary:            SplFixedArray should throw specific exceptions.
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            SPL related
 Operating System:   irrelevant
 PHP Version:        5.3
 Assigned To:        colder
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Note that the proposed patch isn't perfect.  Using a string index that is not 
numeric will throw OutOfBoundsException instead of InvalidArgumentException.  I 
haven't figured out how to do that in C yet, hopefully I'll figure it out soon 
someone else knows how and can submit the patch.

Previous Comments:
[2011-11-22 19:46:59] morrison dot levi at gmail dot com

I have a patch nearly ready for this.  It's at home, not on this machine, but I 
noticed that it got assigned, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

Also, I think that:

$fixedArray[] = ''; 

Should throw OverflowException instead of RuntimeException. See 
an-array-when-it-isnt-allowed and 

[2011-11-21 17:36:11] morrison dot levi at gmail dot com

This should really be titled 'SplFixedArray should throw specific exceptions'

[2011-11-19 21:31:32] morrison dot levi at gmail dot com

SplFixedArray thankfully throws exceptions when you try to do incorrect things 
with indices.  However, the types of exceptions are just too generic.  If I 
the wrong type of index, that's a logic error (I'd expect InvalidArgument or at 
least something that inherits from LogicError to be thrown).  If I give an 
that's that's a valid type but doesn't exist, I'd expect an 
to be thrown.  Instead I get a generic RuntimeException.

I should expect because they are very different problems that I would at least 
get a distinguishing message between the two.  However, I get the same 
descriptions:  'Index invalid or out of range'.  The very message suggests they 
should be different exceptions.

The first fix would sort-of break backwards compatibility: throw an 
InvalidArgumentException for things of the wrong type.

The second fix, throw OutOfBoundsException on incorrect index, could be 
implemented and keep backwards compatibility.

Test script:
$fa = new SplFixedArray(1);

$fa[new StdClass()]; //expect InvalidArgumentException or perhaps 

$fa[2] = 'james'; // expect OutOfBoundsException

Expected result:
I expect $fa[new StdClass] to throw an InvalidArgumentException, not a 

I expect $fa['2'] to throw OutOfBoundsException not a RuntimeException.

Actual result:
Both throw RuntimeExceptions.


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60341&edit=1

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