ID:               19640
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary:          Too many docs mirrors - Yes, I think it's a bug.
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Bogus
+Status:           Open
-Bug Type:         Documentation problem
+Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: ALL
-PHP Version:      4.2.3
+PHP Version:      4.4.0-dev
 New Comment:

How about adding such things as  -manual  in your search query.  In
otherwords, - can be useful too.  Regarding this bug report this is a
valid point to consider.  I'm reclassifying this as a phpweb feature
request titled "Make mirrors not crawlable"  So, a robots.txt similar

User-agent: *
Disallow: /manual/

But, keep in mind the benefit of having mirrors indexable as it means
less traffic on the already overburdened server.  Also keep
in mind that there are a ton of 'uncontrollable' unofficial mirrors
that simply download the manual and put it on their site.  In this case
maybe a meta tag might be more appropriate, such as:


Anyway, this is something to think about and is a feature request for
the phpweb team.

Regarding giving up on PHP, that's too bad.  I hope it's not because
there are too many php manuals indexed in google.

Previous Comments:

[2002-11-26 20:22:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My point was totally lost. I will try again: I cannot find good
tutorials that may include a particular function because everyone and
his mother is mirroring the documentation for that particular function.
It would not be overly difficult to remind mirror maintainers that
googlebot needs not crawl thier mirror.
Its not like it really matters now, I've all but given up on php


[2002-09-28 06:41:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It would be a good idea to visit one of the many php-tutorial
sites/script download sites (e.g.


[2002-09-28 04:54:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First of all, we cannot correct this. Second think about PHP codes. If
you would like to find HTML pages using the lenght JS property, would
you search for ":.length" in google. No. Because JS content is not
indexed. The same stands for PHP codes. As far as I see approximately
95% of PHP code available on the net is distributed in compressed
files, or only available after authentication (phpclasses for example).
So searching for a function name, counting on google to return PHP
source code results is quite bad direction.


[2002-09-27 15:33:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I try to find others' examples of a particular function by searching
google for that function, I get HUNDREDS of pages that are nothing more
than mirrors of the documentation, which I have ALREADY READ (its the
first place I go when I need help with a function).

This just plain sucks. I appreciate having faster places to read the
documentation, but for christs sake, sometimes I just want to look at
others' code because thats how I learn.

I know soneone is going to get angry and say this is not a bug, but to
me, its an annoyance of such proportion that it should be considered a

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask doc-mirrors to not allow googlebot to crawl
thier mirror as it's extremely frustrating.


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