Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60519&edit=1

 ID:                 60519
 Updated by:         s...@php.net
 Reported by:        webmaster at sharpthoughts dot com
 Summary:            OCILobRead2 could not be located in OCI.dll
 Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
-Package:            Compile Failure
+Package:            OCI8 related
 Operating System:   Windows Xp
 PHP Version:        PHP
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

An error mentioning OCILobRead2 indicates that some Oracle libraries are being 
loaded, but not the correct version. This indicates a user-configuration issue, 
common on Windows due to the Windows dependency model.  The bug system is not 
place to get support for diagnosing this but I'd be happy to follow up in 

Previous Comments:
[2011-12-15 04:15:05] webmaster at sharphoughts dot com

Now we are really getting down to interesting information! The post above about 
the command line working was only half right. PHP worked at the command line 
UNTIL I closed the error window mentioned above and then clicked Finished in 
the installer program. After that, attempting to run the exact same script as a 
minute ago results in the OCILobRead2 error mentioned at the beginning of this 
bug report! This seems to indicate to me that the msi installer is undoing 
something right before it closes.

[2011-12-15 04:10:40] webmaster at sharphoughts dot com

I uninstalled the msi I used last time (php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.msi) and tried 
installing the other apache-compatible windows download 
(php-5.2.17-nts-Win32-VC6-x86.msi). I got the same error message as before 
during installation (with the additional issue that the only web servers listed 
are fastiss and other cgi). The error message is: "Error trying to acccess the 
local web service: GetObject Failed. You will need to manually configure the 
web server."
I am thinking that either msi files in general don't work too well or that VC6 
is the issue. On the plus side, the command line seems to work with this 

[2011-12-15 03:50:41] webmaster at sharphoughts dot com

After further consideration, I think that PART of the fault resides in a 
failure of the msi (windows installer) of either the apache httpd package or 
the php package (whichever is responsible for it) to put it the proper 
loadmodule for php. My reason for this statement is that there is no such 
loadmodule in the apache conf file. Additionally, the php installation process 
hickupped with a failure to find a getobject of some sort. Perhaps the install 
never finished for that reason, explaining why php doesn't work from the 
command line either. Just a WAG.

[2011-12-15 03:39:31] webmaster at sharpthoughts dot com

This is NOT an Oracle bug. I saw that comment as well and dismissed it because 
it was not apropos. Please un-bogus this report and un-relate it to the OCI8 
package. This issue does NOT relate to OCI8 or any other database product. This 
issue relates to non-viable windows installation for the latest stable release 
of PHP for use with apache.

[2011-12-14 15:32:42] s...@php.net

php_oci8.dll requires Oracle 10gR2 or later client libraries.
php_oci8_11g.dll requires Oracle 11gR2 client libraries.

The source code compiles various features (or internal behaviors) depending on 
Oracle version used during compilation; the runtime Oracle library version 
therefore needs to have those features.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60519&edit=1

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