Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60828&edit=1

 ID:                 60828
 Updated by:         paj...@php.net
 Reported by:        bugzilla33 at gmail dot com
 Summary:            crash with specific php.ini
 Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Reproducible crash
 Operating System:   Win 7 32/64 bit
 PHP Version:        5.4.0RC6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

You are welcome to contribute a patch.

However there is no crash but a warning, as I told you already, check your logs.

Previous Comments:
[2012-01-21 19:21:18] anon at anon dot anon

Fix it then so that the internal loading order is not strictly tied to the 
order in php.ini. By the way, they're listed in the ini file in the broken 
order by default.

[2012-01-21 10:35:04] bugzilla33 at gmail dot com

I do not understand - in my case php_exif.dll is not loaded.

I will test this bug on Monday on another machine.

[2012-01-21 09:28:05] paj...@php.net

It is not a crash but a configuration. mbstring has to be loaded before exif. 
That means you have to put




Also cannot reproduce any crash using header. Double check your error log for 
the actual error message.

[2012-01-21 01:29:32] anon at anon dot anon

A possibly related issue: it also crashes with php_exif.dll listed before 
php_mbstring.dll. It has done for years.

[2012-01-20 21:39:02] bugzilla33 at gmail dot com

1. use Apache 2.2.21 VC9
2. download http://windows.php.net/downloads/qa/php-5.4.0RC6-Win32-VC9-x86.zip
3. unpack to c:\php5\
4. use php.ini-production -> php.ini
5. change php.ini:
   extension_dir = "c:\php5\ext"
6. or download php.ini from http://host0001.webd.pl/bugs/php/crash.zip
7. restart apache
8. run test script

Test script:
 header('Location: http://php.net/');



Expected result:
no crush like 5.4 RC4 - bug introduced in PHP 5.4 RC5

Actual result:
crush on first (second) script run after apache restart


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60828&edit=1

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