Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60837&edit=1

 ID:                 60837
 Updated by:         larue...@php.net
 Reported by:        piphon at gmail dot com
 Summary:            Segmentation fail, if use trait
 Status:             Critical
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Reproducible crash
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
 PHP Version:        5.4SVN-2012-01-22 (SVN)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

maybe dmitry's fix has also fixed this problem: http://svn.php.net/viewvc?

Previous Comments:
[2012-01-23 08:38:19] piphon at gmail dot com

In Zend/zend_comile.c changed behavior of traits. Perhaps this is corrected 
bug. My original point of view (when I first met this bug): a mistake in 
reflection for classes that used traits). I removed comment in trait and all 
successful worked (RC1 or 2, i don't remember).

[2012-01-23 07:54:39] g...@php.net

Hi, I was not able to reproduce the problem, because I do not have the 
setup. Think, I got as far as that PDO complains about a missing database 
but I also changed the db driver from mysql to sqlite.

The only thing I saw was that on an old checkout, the bug with doccomments 
caused segfaults. But, that seems unrelated to the stacktrace below.

[2012-01-23 07:40:43] piphon at gmail dot com

Check last commits for RC in SVN:

PHP 5.4.0 RC5 - fail 
PHP 5.4.0 RC6 - fail 
PHP 5.4.0 RC7-dev - worked in last commits 

I'm unable to verify trunk (PHP 5.5 dev), because PDO is not installed or is 
not compiled.

P.S. My English bad...

[2012-01-23 03:24:56] larue...@php.net

I can not reproduce this... everything works well here.. (both svn-trunk and 

[2012-01-22 12:30:40] piphon at gmail dot com

> Do you have a reproduce code by any chance?

Yes. Finally recreated it.

Small example with dependencies (zf, doctrine, e.t.c) on github.com: 

  - Example/IdentityTrait.php - trait, add id field
  - Example/Temp.php - entity, used IdentityTrait
  - library/ - vendors libraries (submodules)
  - bootstrap.php - setup doctrine
  - script.php - Console interface for doctrine (if update or create data 
  - index.php  - Test example

$ php script.php orm:schema-tool:create
ATTENTION: This operation should not be executed in a production environment.

Creating database schema...
Database schema created successfully!
Segmentation fail (core dumped)

$ php index.php
zend_mm_heap corrupted

All code in two files


use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager,

define('PATH_TO_VENDORS', realpath(__DIR__ . '/library'));

// Подключение автозагрузки классов 
require_once PATH_TO_VENDORS . '/zf2/library/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php';
        'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
            'namespaces' => array(
                'Zend'                      => PATH_TO_VENDORS . 
                'Doctrine\ORM'              => PATH_TO_VENDORS . 
                'Doctrine\Common'           => PATH_TO_VENDORS . 
                'Doctrine\DBAL'             => PATH_TO_VENDORS . 
                'Symfony\Component\Console' => PATH_TO_VENDORS . 
                'Symfony\Component\Yaml'    => PATH_TO_VENDORS . 

function create_doctrine() {
    $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache;

    $config = new Configuration;
    $driverImpl = $config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(__DIR__ . '/Example');

    $connectionOptions = array(
        'driver'   => 'pdo_mysql',        /* Your DB driver here   */
        'host'     => 'localhost',        /* Your DB host here     */
        'user'     => 'php_bug',          /* Your DB user here     */
        'password' => 'A8haaWUH7wxjhfrn', /* Your DB user password */
        'dbname'   => 'php_bug',          /* Your DB name here     */
        'driverOptions' => array(
            1002 => "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"

    $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config);
    return $em;

$main = function() {
    $em = create_doctrine();

    include 'full-compounds.php';
    $temp = new Example\Temp();

    $repo = $em->getRepository('Example\Temp');
    $temp = $repo->find(1);
    $temp->events()->attach('init', function() {
        echo "Init\n";

call_user_func_array($main, array());


namespace Example;

use Zend\EventManager\ProvidesEvents;

trait EntityTrait {


trait IdentityTrait {
    use EntityTrait;

     * Уникальный идентификатор объекта в БД
     * @Id @Column(type="integer")
     * @GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
     * @since 0.1
     * @var int
    private $id           = null;

     * Получить уникальный идентификатор 
объекта в БД
     * @return int
     * @since 0.1
    public function getID() {
        return $this->id;

 * Модель описывающая статическую страницу 
 * @Entity
class Temp {
    use IdentityTrait;
    use ProvidesEvents;


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60837&edit=1

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